(The survey is also available at www.usccb.org/laity/laysurvey/laysurvey.htm)

Lay Survey

You are called to be "salt [for] the earth"
and "light [for] the world." -- Mt 5:13-16

Instructions for Completing the Survey:

This survey begins with a brief section about yourself, followed by seven categories of questions. The statements within each category are not meant to be comprehensive nor all-inclusive. However, all of the topics addressed are important in helping lay Catholics live out their call as Christians in the world. We are especially interested in your suggestions for improving areas that are important to you.

For each section, please select each statement that you agree with and then suggest ways to improve that area by typing your suggestion in the blank box provided.

Skip the statement if you disagree with it or if you are not sure.



Age range:

up to 17
18 - 35
36 - 64
65 and older

Please indicate your ethnic/racial background. Please select all that apply.

Asian/Pacific Islander
American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut

Indicate if you have ever attended any of the following. Please select all that apply.

Catholic grade school
Catholic high school
Catholic college/university
CCD (Religious education in your parish as a child or teen)

Indicate how active you are in your parish. Please select all that apply.

Volunteer at my parish
Frequently attend programs in my parish
Participate in parish leadership
Attend mass more than once a week
Attend mass weekly
Attend mass less than once a week

B. Knowledge of the Faith

A parish can help us deepen our knowledge of the Catholic faith so that we are better able to respond to how God calls us in life. Please select all of the following that apply and provide brief suggestions for improvement.

To help me live out my call as a Christian in the world, it is important to me that my parish improve . . .

. . . its adult faith formation/adult education
. . . how it supports parents in passing on their faith to their children
. . . how it helps me to deepen my understanding of the Bible
. . . how it helps me to understand more about Catholic teaching, including teaching about social justice

C. Liturgical Life

The liturgical life of the parish nourishes, sustains and strengthens us to live out the faith we received in baptism. Please select all of the following that apply and provide brief suggestions for improvement.

To help me live out my call as a Christian in the world, it is important to me that my parish improve . . .

. . . opportunities for active participation of the community in worship
. . . opportunities and training for liturgical ministers (e.g., lectors, ministers to the homebound, hospitality ministers)
. . . how it celebrates Sunday liturgy
. . . its preaching at Mass and other liturgies
. . . how it celebrates sacramental reconciliation
. . . how it prepares for and celebrates the following sacraments: Infant Baptism, First Penance, First Eucharist, Confirmation and/or Marriage
. . . its RCIA process (initiation of adults)

D. Moral Formation

Moral formation helps us to grasp the wisdom of our tradition and gives us tools to reflect upon and analyze our everyday situations in light of the Gospel. Please select all of the following that apply and provide brief suggestions for improvement.

To help me live out my call as a Christian in the world, it is important to me that my parish improve . . .

. . . how it helps me connect my faith with my daily life
. . . how it helps me make important moral decisions in my personal life at work or at home
. . . how it helps me discern my vocation or profession in life
. . . the way it supports and encourages vocations to the priesthood and religious life
. . . the way it supports and encourages lay persons to serve as members of parish staffs, Catholic school teachers, and other formal church ministry positions

E. Prayer

Prayer deepens our relationship with God, a relationship that is at the core of every aspect of our lives. Please select all of the following that apply and provide brief suggestions for improvement.

To help me live out my call as a Christian in the world, it is important to me that my parish improve . . .

. . . how it helps me to pray as part of a community
. . . how it helps me to pray as an individual
. . . how it helps me to deepen my relationship with God
. . . how it promotes learning various ways of praying

F. Communal Life

The parish is, first and foremost, a community of people called together by God and unified by the Holy Spirit. The communal life of the parish is continually fostered so that, through our personal relationships, all parishioners may evidence our identity as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Please select all of the following that apply and provide brief suggestions for improvement.

To help me live out my call as a Christian in the world, it is important to me that my parish improve . . .

. . . how it builds community within the parish by providing ways for people to get to know others who share their beliefs and values
. . . how it helps people, especially newcomers, to feel welcome
. . . stewardship within the parish, by inviting parishioners to use their talents and gifts for the common good
. . . how it encourages participation in parish planning, councils and committees
. . . how it affirms and promotes the cultural, racial and ethnic diversity of parishioners and parish leaders
. . . leadership of the parish (both clergy and lay)

G. Missionary Spirit

The parish exists not for itself, but for the mission of Christ. Each of us, both as individuals and as a parish community, is called to bear witness to the Good News in and through our daily lives. Please select all of the following that apply and provide brief suggestions for improvement.

To help me live out my call as a Christian in the world, it is important to me that my parish improve . . .

. . . how it evangelizes by helping parishioners to share the Good News with others
. . . how it promotes opportunities for service
. . . its outreach and ministry to the poor, the hungry and/or the homeless
. . . its outreach to inactive Catholics
. . . how it helps couples grow in their commitment to married life.
. . . how it promotes respect for life from conception to natural death

H. - General Questions

What else could your parish do to help you better live your call as a Christian in the world?

What is the best thing that your parish is already doing that helps you live out your call as a Christian in the world?

What could you do specifically to help your parish better address some of the needs which are important for you?


Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women & Youth
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 4th Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20017-1194 (202) 541-3000