For our nation,
that the values of life and liberty
may truly be our watchwords;
We pray to the Lord

That the good seed of the Gospel of Life

may take root in our land
and grow to the glory of God;
We pray to the Lord

For those who are mentally disabled,
that we might cherish the gifts God has given them,
and in their lives hear the voice of our loving God;
We pray to the Lord

For every person who suffers from violence,
and especially for women whose pain breaks their hearts,
that through the intercession of she whose heart was pierced with a sword,
they might know peace and strength;
We pray to the Lord

For those who mourn the death of a child,
that they may be given the strength
and courage to face the future,
and that they may be understood and blessed;
We pray to the Lord

For all who work in abortions clinics:

that through the intercession of the Mother of God,
they might come to love the unborn child;
We pray to the Lord

For all who do not embrace the rights of the unborn

that, in love, they may come to know and treasure
the infinite value of every human person;
We pray to the Lord

For those who provide or cooperate in abortions,
that by our love for the truth and for them,
they might turn from darkness and death;
We pray to the Lord

For all who are tempted to sin against life,
that they might turn from darkness
and embrace the infinite love and light of God;
We pray to the Lord

For all who are very sick,
and especially those afflicted by HIV/AIDS,
that we might care for them
with the compassion and love of Christ;
We pray to the Lord 

For every boy or girl who has fallen in love,
that they might recognize
the presence and power of God in their lives;
We pray to the Lord