Fishers of Men Questions for Priests

  1. Reflecting upon your own vocation and reasons for becoming a priest, are they similar to those presented in this film?
  2. “You’re not there to dictate, not there to rule, but to serve – I think that’s the main point.” What are the many ways we serve in this diocese/community?
  3. How did the early Christians get the number disciples to grow (Acts 6:1), and what are the similarities with increasing our number today?
  4. This film is intended to encourage young men to consider the vocation to the priesthood. What is the role of the priest in this process?
  5. What part of the film do you think will most inspire young men in your parish to consider priesthood as a possible vocation?
  6. What are some ways in which you would like to see this production used?
  7. Do you have a forum to show such a film?