Pope Francis' 2015 Visit to the U.S.

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Here on this page, you will find photos, videos, resources, the text of speeches, and other special moments from Pope Francis' 2015 visit to the United States.

Virtual Pilgrimage (PDF)

Pope Francis visits America

Pope Francis visits America

Complete Catholic News Service video coverage of the historic visit to the United States by Pope Francis in September 2015.

9 Ways People Participated in Pope Francis's 2015 US Visit

Hundreds of Thousands saw Pope Francis when he visited the US in September, 2015. Here are the some of the ways those who did not get to see him in person "virtually" participated in the events.

  1. Took part in a "Virtual Pilgrimage" with these prayers as the Holy Father made his way to more than a dozen different locations in Washington, DC, New York City, and Philadelphia.
  2. Learned about the places Pope Francis visited by following his journey on this interactive map.
  3. Become "Pope Francis literate" by reading his two encyclical letters: Lumen Fidei and Laudato Si
  4. Stayed up-to-date and read insightful commentary by connecting with the only news source founded and supported by the US Bishops, Catholic News Service. See the latest in the CNS feed below.
  5. Held a Papal Visit Watch Party using the USCCB live stream in English with audio commentary here or watched video on demand.
  6. Received the latest est papal visit news and more by downloading the Catholic Church app.
    Responded to Pope Francis's call to enounter by reaching out to those in need, supporting parish or community charitable efforts, acting to promote life, human dignity, families and religious freedom, and by caring for creation.
  7. Invited a non-Catholic or non-practicing Catholic friend to Mass following the pope's visit.
  8. Engaged in the USCCB's award-winning social media effort with the hash tags #PopeinUS and #PapaEnUSA. 
  9. Supported the many people who worked to make Pope Francis' historic US visit a success by praying for them to the Blessed Virgin under her title  Mary, Undoer of Knots (a favorite of Pope Francis).

Liturgical Texts for Masses and Prayer Services

Media Guide, Resources, Speeches, and Homilies

Papal Visits to the United States

Pope Francis was the fourth pope to visit the theUnited States. His apostolic journey to the United States took place from September 22-27, 2015, and he visited Washington, New York and Philadelphia. Pope Francis' visit was the tenth time a pope made an apostolic journey to the United States.

Other pastoral visits from previous popes are:

Pope Benedict XVI visited the United States in 2008. His apostolic visit, April 15-20, took him to Washington and New York.

Pope John Paul II visited the United States seven times:

  • 1979 (10/1 – 10/7) Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Washington and Des Moines, Iowa.
  • 1981 (2/27) Anchorage, Alaska – stopover/several hours 
  • 1984 (5/2) Fairbanks, Alaska – stopover/several hours
  • 1987 (9/10 – 9/19) Miami, Columbia, SC, New Orleans, San Antonio, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit 
  • 1993 (8/12 – 8/15) Denver (World Youth Day)
  • 1995 (10/4 – 10/8) Newark, NJ, New York (including Brooklyn), Baltimore
  • 1999 (1/26 – 1/27) St. Louis

In October 1965, Paul VI became the first pope to visit the United States. His trip included a first time papal visit to the United Nations.

Pope Francis was the fourth pope to meet with a U.S. president during a visit to the United States. Other popes who have met with a U.S. president during a U.S. visit are:

Pope Benedict XVI:

  • April 16, 2008, on the occasion of Pope Benedict XVI's 81st birthday, President George W. Bush welcomed Pope Benedict to the White House. This was the second time in history that a pope visited the White House.

Pope John Paul II met with a U.S. president during each of the following visits to the United States:

  • 1979 – President Jimmy Carter (The White House, Washington)
  • 1984 – President Ronald Reagan (Fairbanks, Alaska: first time a U.S. president and pope met outside of the White House or Vatican)
  • 1987 – President Ronald Reagan (Los Angeles)
  • 1993 – President Bill Clinton(Denver)
  • 1995 – President Bill Clinton (Newark, NJ)
  • 1999 – President Bill Clinton (St. Louis)

Pope Paul VI:

  • 1965 -- President Lyndon Johnson (New York City)

Pope Francis' visit to the United Nations was the fourth time a pope addresses the United Nations while visiting the United States.

Pope Francis

  • United Nations Headquarters (New York),September 25, 2015

Benedict XVI

John Paul II

  • United Nations Headquarters (New York), October 2, 1979
  • United Nations Headquarters (New York), October 5, 1995

Pope Paul VI

  • United Nations Headquarters (New York), October 4, 1965

*Sources: www.usccb.org, Vatican.va