
Letter to National Security Advisor Lake on Violence in East Timor, October 24, 1995

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October 24, 1995 

Mr. Anthony Lake
National Security Adviser
Old Executive Office Building
Washington DC, 20506

Dear Mr. Lake, 

We have become increasingly disturbed over the rising tensions and violence in East Timor in recent weeks, especially in the light of reliable reports of the torture and severe beating of detainees, many of them young people. Information from Bishop Belo as recent as this week indicates that there has been no real change in this state of affairs. 

In view both of President Clinton's forthcoming meeting with President Suharto, and the likelihood of further violence in East Timor, it is urgent that the United States convey our desire that human rights be respected and that the Indonesian leaders take concrete steps to restrain the security forces and the military. 

It is our strong hope that the Indonesian authorities will, as Bishop Belo has urged, begin a genuine dialogue with the young people of East Timor, one which the bishop is most willing to facilitate.

It would be especially fitting on this fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, if the United States were to provide added backing for U.N. efforts to promote dialogue on the East Timor situation, such as might lead ultimately to measures acceptable to all parties. 

We appreciate the interest shown by the Administration on the matter of East Timor, and hope that you will find it possible to convey our concerns at this urgent moment. 

Sincerely yours, 

Most Reverend Daniel P. Reilly
Bishop of Worcester
Chairman, USCC Committee on International Policy 

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