Visit of Pope Francis to United States Will be Available via Livestream, Social Media Channels and Hashtags

WASHINGTON—Pope Francis’ September 22-27 visit to the United States will be available via a video livestream at, where people from around the world can follow every moment of the visit.

WASHINGTON—Pope Francis’ September 22-27 visit to the United States will be available via a video livestream at, where people from around the world can follow every moment of the visit. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is also launching social media profiles on Twitter and Instagram, “Pope In US” and “Papa En USA.” An animated gif of themes associated with the papal visit accompanied the launch of these channels:

•  Twitter (Spanish)
•  Instagram (bilingual account)

#PopeInUS and #PapaEnUSA are also hashtags being promoted with the visit. USCCB will also post updates to Facebook at: and

More information on the visit of Pope Francis is available at:

Keywords: Pope Francis, Apostolic Journey, United States, video, livestream, online, USCCB, U.S. bishops, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, hashtags, #PopeinUS, #PapaenUSA

Don Clemmer
O: 202-541-3206
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