Sister Tracey Horan is Winner of 2017 CCHD Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award

WASHINGTON—SisterTracey Horan has been named as the winner of the 2017 Cardinal Bernardin NewLeadership Award, sponsored by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development(CCHD). CCHD is the anti-poverty programof the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Sister Horan will be honored at

WASHINGTON—SisterTracey Horan has been named as the winner of the 2017 Cardinal Bernardin NewLeadership Award, sponsored by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development(CCHD). CCHD is the anti-poverty programof the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).  Sister Horan will be honored at a reception Wednesday,June 14, during the bishops' annual Spring General Assembly in Indianapolis.

Sr.Horan is a mission novice with the Sisters ofProvidence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. She currentlyserves as a community organizer for the Indianapolis Congregation ActionNetwork (ICAN) and the Justice for Immigrants Campaign of the Archdiocese ofIndianapolis. In these roles, she has worked to promote the common goodalongside immigrants, returning citizens and people living in poverty. Agraduate of the University of Dayton, Sr. Horan is a former intern at WhiteViolet Center for Eco-Justice, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence, and hastaught middle school children at St. Pius X Catholic School in El Paso, Texaswhile living with Sisters of Charity at Casa de Caridad in New Mexico.

"Weare pleased to honor Sr. Tracey Horan's commitment to solidarity with thepeople living in poverty and those who are most vulnerable. Her work and herwitness embody the mission of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development – toend the cycle of poverty by developing the capacity of the most vulnerable toact on their behalf," said Bishop David P. Talley, chairman of the bishops'CCHD subcommittee.

Eachyear, the Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award honors a Catholic between theage of 18 and 40 who demonstrates leadership in fighting poverty and injusticein the United States through community-based solutions. It is named for thelate Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who served as archbishop of Chicago from 1982till his death in 1996. He served as the first general secretary of the U.S.bishops from 1968-1972 and as third president of the U.S. bishops from1974-1977. More information about the award is available online:


Keywords: U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops,USCCB, Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award, Catholic Campaign for HumanDevelopment, CCHD, Bishop David P. Talley, General Assembly, Baltimore, PopeFrancis, the Sisters of Providence, Sr. Tracey Horan

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Norma Montenegro Flynn
O: 202-541-3200