Prayer to Become Stewards of God's Creation

Creator God, 

As we feast our eyes on autumn reds and yellows,
     we sense your creative power. 

As we marvel at the uniqueness of each winter flake,
     we rejoice that you know us each by name. 

As we hear the songs of birds of spring,
     we yearn to sing your praises. 

As we breathe the delicious scents of summer flowers,
     our souls rest in your love. 

Forgiving God, 

We have not lived out our responsibility to be
     faithful stewards of creation.
     For this, we seek your pardon. 

Our over-consumption has impacted the poorest
     members of our human family most of all.
     For this, we ask your mercy. 

Our actions have endangered both the lives of our
     children today as well as those yet to be born.
     For this, we seek your forgiveness. 

Living God, 

As we meet you in nature,
     inspire us to see anew our place in the web of life. 

In our daily lives,
     help us to make daily choices that reflect global solidarity. 

As we reflect on the teaching of our faith,
     equip us to advocate for laws and policies that
     reflect your call to faithful stewardship. 

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen. 

(From USCCB handout for World Day of Peace 2010)