Create in me a Love ever more open

Inspired by chapter 3 of Pope Francis' encyclical letter, Brothers and Sisters to Us (Fratelli Tutti).

Create in me a love ever more open, Lord,
that I may move beyond myself,
that I may transcend man-made borders
that I may go to the periphery,
that I may seek the hidden exile,
that I may offer generous hospitality, and
that I may rid racism from my heart.

In this way, may I help create conditions
where every person can thrive,
where community replaces isolation,
where racism is stamped out,
where justice is restored,
where work, land and housing are available for all, and
where the human family can live in harmony.

Guide us on the journey to the true path of peace, Lord.
Help us live out your vision of a world where no one is excluded
and the earth’s goods are shared and cared for by all.


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