Intercessory Prayers: The Marginalized

For those deprived of their human needs,
and their human rights:
that they may be given the dignity
which God confers on all his people;
We pray to the Lord:

For all who are forgotten or thrown away,
and especially for the poor, the sick and the aged:
that God might change our hearts
and move us to love them as the image of Christ;
We pray to the Lord:

For all who are lonely or afraid,
for teenagers on the street,
old people in nursing homes,
prisoners with no one to visit them,
and all whom the world has forgotten:
that Christ might lead us to them;
We pray to the Lord:

For all who are forgotten or cast off:
that we might value each human life,
as a priceless gift from God;
We pray to the Lord:

For those who are mentally disabled:
that we might cherish the gifts God has given them,
and in their lives hear the voice of our loving God;
We pray to the Lord: