Seven new federal regulations threaten Catholic institutions and harm religious freedom


What are these new regulations and what do they do?

  1. Contraceptive MandateRequires religious organizations to provide insurance coverage for contraceptives
  2. Conscience RuleRemoves protections for health care professionals' conscience rights
  3. Religious Liberty & Free Inquiry RuleSuppresses faith-based student groups at college campuses
  4. Title IXEnshrines gender identity and sexual orientation ideology in education
  5. HHS Grants RuleDiscriminates against religious beliefs in social services
  6. Section 1557 Forces doctors to perform gender transition procedures, including surgeries, and mandates insurance coverage of them
  7. Equal Treatment for Faith-Based OrganizationsSecularizes faith-based charities

Who is responsible for these regulations?

The Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Justice, and Department of Education

What are action alerts?

When a new regulation is proposed, you will receive an email that provides messaging and will direct your message to government agencies in Washington to let them know you support the Church's right to operate her institutions in accordance with her faith in Jesus Christ.

Why action alerts?

When new regulations are proposed, there is a period of time when the public can comment.  Executive agencies must take these comments into account before issuing the final rules.  Sign up to receive alerts and become an advocate for religious liberty!

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