Faith at Work

Religious Freedom Week 2024: June 27

Pray that business leaders would be free to promote a culture of life in their workplaces. 

The Catholic Church calls the lay faithful to bring their faith to bear on all spheres of life.  Whether we are praying, serving those in need, or working at our daily jobs, we are always Catholic. The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) was passed with the support of the USCCB.  The bishops commended the PWFA’s requirement that employers grant pregnant women reasonable workplace accommodations. However, in its rules implementing the PWFA, the Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires that employers give employees leave for the purposes of obtaining an abortion.  A federal mandate that private entities be complicit in second- and third-trimester abortions is unprecedented.  And the EEOC’s stated interpretation of PWFA’s religious exemption appears to render it effectively meaningless.   

Sign up for action alerts from the USCCB so you can join the Committee’s efforts to encourage Congressional action responding to the EEOC’s PWFA regulations.  

Meanwhile, religious employers should honor the pro-woman, pro-life intent of the law Congress passed, and grant pregnant employees reasonable accommodations that allow them to have healthy pregnancies. It will make for a stronger case in the event an employee asks for leave to get an abortion. It is also the right thing to do.

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