Update from Msgr. Dennis Mikulanis, Ecumenical Officer for the Diocese of San Diego

The Benedictines have a motto: “So that in all things may God be glorified.” That would certainly be a fitting motto for the ecumenical ministry of the Church. So often we who are involved in this essential work of the Church might find ourselves frustrated because progress doesn’t seem to be happening fast enough or we find ourselves stymied by unexpected hindrances to success. The only response to that is to evaluate, adapt and go forward. Fr. Junipero Serra is credited with saying “Siempre adlelante!” (“Always go forward.”) and that is what we ecumenists are called to do.

In the Diocese of San Diego the work of ecumenism and interreligious affairs is slow but steady. Catholic/Muslim cooperation is making inroads to a greater understanding of our two communities with each other. Catholic/Jewish relations have proven themselves to be supportive and solid, especially after the tragic shooting of the Chabad Synagogue last April in our community. The work between the diocese and select synagogues, and with the Anti-Defamation League, has proven the solid relationship built up over the years.

This past June the Rt. Rev. Susan Snook was consecrated as bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. Bishop Robert McElroy, the Catholic Bishop of San Diego, will soon be hosting a welcome luncheon for Bishop Snook, along with Bishop Andy Taylor of the ELCA Pacifica Synod, highlighting the good relationships among our three traditions. L/A/RC/SD is planning two events: A Taize evening of Prayer for the San Diego Community and the Annual Day of Dialogue in January, 2020, discussing how each of our Faith Traditions are responding to the care of the environment, using the encyclical Laudato Si as our starting point. As in past years the Diocesan Institute offers a five week course, “Introduction to Ecumenism,” which benefits not only our catechists, Prison Ministry teams and other interested Catholics, but our permanent deacon candidates as well who are required to take the course.

Siempre Adelante – So that in all things God may be glorified.