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Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning: Questions and Answers

  • Easy-to-read parish bulletin insert provides clear information on the Catholic Church's position on stem cell research and human cloning.
  • Author: Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
  • Publication Year: 2004, revised 2008
  • Item Type: Bulletin insert, 1 pg.
  • Item Number: 0470
  • Price: $10/100

Human Cloning vs. Human Dignity

  • Human cloning is used to create life solely to destroy it—and even that is a symptom of a deeper problem.
  • Author:Richard M. Doerflinger
  • Publication Year: 2003
  • Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
  • Item Number: 0341
  • Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.

The New Eugenics: Cloning and Beyond

  • Explores the risks humanity may face if biotechnology continues to advance unchecked by moral constraints.
  • Author:M. Therese Lysaught
  • Publication Year: 2002
  • Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
  • Item Number: 0244
  • Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.