Church Vandalism

Religious Freedom Week 2021: June 25

Pray that Christian witness in the face of attacks on our churches will convert hearts to faith in Jesus Christ.

Recent years have seen a number of high-profile attacks on houses of worship.  Beginning in May of 2020, there was a wave of attacks on Catholic churches and statues.  Vandals entered churches and desecrated sanctuaries.  A man in Florida even attempted to set a church on fire with people inside.  There have been at least 61 attacks so far, and that number continues to grow.  The precise reasons for these attacks are often unknown.  In some cases, they are tied to anger at perceived injustices from the past.  Other cases may involve mental illness.  In all cases, Catholics must remember that we worship the Lord who reveals the truth and beauty of the gospel in his suffering and resurrection, and that we are called to respond to aggression with compassion.  

The recent vandalism of churches and their sacred art gives us the opportunity to bear witness to our hope in the Lord whose beauty is revealed on the Cross. The USCCB Beauty Heals initiative invites us to learn about works of devotional art significant to local churches and how they inspire Catholics to live beautifully.  Learn more at


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