Pope Names Miami Auxiliary Bishop Estévez as Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida; Accepts Resignation of Bishop Galeone

WASHINGTON—Pope Benedict XVI has named Miami Auxiliary Bishop Felipe de Jesús Estévez, 65, as bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, to succeed Bishop Victor Benito Galeone, 75, and accepted Bishop Galeone’s resignation from the pastoral governance of the diocese.

WASHINGTON—Pope Benedict XVI has named Miami Auxiliary Bishop Felipe de Jesús Estévez, 65, as bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, to succeed Bishop Victor Benito Galeone, 75, and accepted Bishop Galeone’s resignation from the pastoral governance of the diocese.

The appointment and resignation acceptance were publicized in Washington, April 27, by Archbishop Pietro Sambi, apostolic nuncio to the United States.

Felipe de Jesús Estévez was born on February 5, 1946, in Cuba. He came to the United States through Operation Peter Pan, which brought 14,000 unaccompanied minors from Cuba and finished his high school studies in Indiana.

He holds a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from Montreal University, a Master of Arts degree from Barry University and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.

He was ordained a priest in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in 1970. He was a member of the Canadian Society of Foreign Missions and was a missionary in Honduras until 1975. He was received into the Miami Archdiocese in 1975, and incardinated there in 1979. He was made a prelate of honor, with the title “Monsignor” in 1981, and named an auxiliary bishop of Miami in 2003.

Assignments in the Miami Archdiocese included faculty member, St. Vincent De Paul Regional Seminary, 1975-1977; studies at the Institute for Spirituality, Gregorian University, 1977-1980; rector, St. Vincent De Paul Regional Seminary, 1980-1986; pastor, St. Agatha Parish, Miami, and director of campus ministry at Florida International University, Miami, 1987-2001. He was dean of spiritual formation, St. Vincent De Paul Seminary, 2001-2003.

Bishop Galeone holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Gregorian University, Rome, and a Master of Education degree from Loyola College, Baltimore.

A Philadelphia native, Bishop Galeone was ordained for the Archdiocese of Baltimore in 1960, and was a member of the Society of St. James the Apostle, serving as a missionary in Peru 1970-75 and 1978-85. He was pastor of St. Agnes Parish in Baltimore when he was named bishop of St. Augustine in 2001.

The St. Augustine Diocese includes 11,032 square miles, with 1,966,314 people, of which nine percent, or 171,000, of them are Catholic.

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