United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Acquires Catholic.Bible

WASHINGTON—TheUnited States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has acquiredCatholic.Bible. The domainserves as the home base for resources for National Bible Week. This year's NationalBible Week celebration takes place November 12-18.

WASHINGTON—TheUnited States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has acquiredCatholic.Bible.

The domainserves as the home base for resources for National Bible Week. This year's NationalBible Week celebration takes place November 12-18. In recognition of the 25thanniversary of the Catechism of theCatholic Church, the theme forthis year is The Bible: A Book of Faith/La Biblia: Un Libro de la Fe.

In addition,Catholic.Bible is the place to also find Lectio Divina resources (English andSpanish) for every Sunday of the year, an expansion of past years' resourceswhich were limited to Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter.

Otherresources available on Catholic.Bible include:

  • A survey on Bible use among Catholics sponsored byAmerican Bible Society

  • An RSS feed of the daily readings in English andSpanish

  • A link to the NewAmerican Bible, revised edition (NABRE)

Moreresources will be added in the months ahead. Catholic.Bible went live, October31.

The .Bible top-leveldomain is a trusted online source for all things Bible. The mission of .Bible isto encourage Bible engagement, translation, innovation, and global partnershipsso that all people may experience the life-changing message that the Biblegives us.

The AmericanBible Society, a Christian ministry that has equipped people to engage with thelife-changing message of God's Word for over 200 years, operates the .BIBLEregistry.

Please visitCatholic.Bible at https://catholic.bible/.

Keywords: United States Conference ofCatholic Bishops, USCCB, Catholic.Bible, American Bible Society, National BibleWeek, Catechism of the Catholic Church, LaBiblia: Un Libro de la Fe, Lectio Divina,New American Bible, NABRE.


Media Contact:
Judy Keane