Response to Mass Shooting at New Zealand Mosques

Response to Mass Shooting at New Zealand Mosques

Many in the U.S. woke on the morning of Friday, March 15 to the horrifying news of mass shootings at two New Zealand mosques. During Friday (Jummah) prayer, 50 men, women, and children were killed and many more injured. While mourning the tragedy with their Muslim brothers and sisters, Church leaders condemned the violence. They wished to express their solidarity with the Muslim community both in New Zealand and abroad in the wake of these senseless attacks. They have called on all to pray for the victims and those touched by this horrific violence, and look to the Almighty to convert the hearts of those who hold fear, hate, and ignorance above love, compassion, and peace. The SEIA is even more firmly committed to its mission of dialogue and understanding with the Muslim community. Please see below for several statements from Church leaders, including Pope Francis, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, President of USCCB, and Cardinal Blase Cupich, co-chair of the BCEIA's National Catholic-Muslim Dialogue.

Pope Francis' Condolences for Victims of the Shootings in Two Mosques in Christchurch, NZ

Pope Francis Prays for the Victims and Muslim Community after Angelus

President of U.S. Bishops Responds to Mass Shootings at New Zealand Mosques

Cardinal Blase Cupich on New Zealand Mosques Attacks

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