Collection Supports the Faith in Far-Flung Diocese in Latin America

Fr. Leo, Bp. Rojas, and Bp. Hugo Nicolas Barbaro in Argentina

Collection Supports the Faith in Far-Flung Diocese in Latin America

June 13, 2022 By Church in Latin America

By Rev. Leo Pérez, OMI

Pope Francis frequently reminds us that the essential missionary character of the Church is to go forth. He said in his Angelus address of September 20, 2020: “The Church needs to be like God; always going out.” That aspect of leaving where we are to evangelize the peripheries is what makes the Collection for the Church in Latin America so vital. Your donation helps to support the Word of God wherever people are found, especially to those outside the Church.

One of the most remote areas of Latin America is in the region known as “El Chaco,” on the border between Argentina and Paraguay. Here in this hot and dry territory, the Diocese of San Roque de Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña in Argentina brings the message of Christ to people in need. The collection supports the diocese’s seminary and several evangelization projects which aid the province’s poor and indigenous populations.

As part of the collection’s normal visitation of grantees, I traveled in early March 2020 to El Chaco with Bishop Alberto Rojas, the bishop of San Bernardino, California, and a member of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Subcommittee for the Church in Latin America. We visited the seminary, the children’s center, and other projects that minister to the local community. There, in this far corner of the Earth, it was easy to forget the news of that time that an unknown and dangerous virus was quickly sweeping across the globe.

During our visit, we were regaled by the locals with tales of the most remote section of this distant land, “El Impenetrable,” or the impenetrable place where stalwart missionaries labor in an almost jungle-like atmosphere. The local bishop and his deacon were driving us for a pastoral visit to one of the parishes of El Impenetrable when the bishop got a cell phone call. An Argentinian health minister had been informed that two foreigners were traveling in the region, people who might be carrying a contagious virus called COVID-19. We were ordered to turn back and quarantine at the bishop’s house for the rest of our visit.  We had followed Pope Francis’ message to go out to the periphery, but at that moment, we had to turn around and begin what we now call social distancing. We made it back to the USA just as the borders were closing. Yet God gave us the blessing of seeing first-hand how well the local ministers are using your contributions to the annual Latin America Collection to support the faith in this far-flung diocese. 

Pope Francis’ hope is that we Catholics will go out from our usual environments, from our routines and our comfort zones, to announce the Good News in whatever places we can encounter people. We were not able to meet the people of that most remote site in Argentina, but thanks to your donations, self-sacrificing local ministers continue the work of sharing the Gospel in the most impenetrable places on Earth. 

Rev. Leo Perez, OMI, is the director of the Church in Latin America program at the USCCB. The program gives aid to pastoral projects in 25 countries in the regions of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Special priority is given to evangelization and catechetical programs as well as to mission related activities that promote the encounter with Jesus and help people to respond to his call to be disciples and missionaries so that people can find life in Him.” (Adapted from the USCCB’s CLA webpage)

We invite you to read Fr. Leo’s other blog post, Hope for Refugee Children on the Border of Colombia and Venezuela

Each story, each life changed, is made possible by the generosity of Catholics in parishes across the country. Just regular people doing their part. But together, each small part adds up. Together, you can make an impact. Please consider supporting this program at Mass or through your parish online giving platform. #iGiveCatholicTogether also accepts funds for the USCCB Church in Latin America program to support projects like the ones described here.  

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