Annual Report

CHMA Annual Report

Year Published
  • 2022
  • English

IN 2022 THE CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS APPEAL FUNDED more than $9.8 million in grants to home mission dioceses to help support the daily work of their parishes and their ministries to youth, immigrants, families, and young men discerning vocations to the priesthood. Home mission dioceses are found throughout the United States and its territories where the Catholic population is too small or too poor—or both—to sustain ministry and evangelization without outside assistance.

More than 27% of gifts to the Catholic Home Missions Appeal provided parishes with basic assistance and supported diocesan offices with pastoral planning, communications, fund raising, and other essential services. The next largest outlay was 21% for seminary education and vocations, followed by 17% for faith formation programs such as evangelization, campus ministry, and youth ministry. Other assistance supported cultural ministries to Hispanic/Latino and Native American populations as well as life and dignity ministries, including pro-life and prison ministries.

The stories in this annual report illustrate the many ways your contribution to the Catholic Home Missions Appeal supports the efforts of these dioceses to draw people closer to Christ.  In addition to the annual assistance requested by dioceses and eparchies, several unsolicited grants—totaling more than $1.8 million—were approved to support national and regional needs.  These included funds for local activities related to the National Eucharistic Revival, World Youth Day, professional development opportunities for diocesan staff, and assistance in repairing church properties following natural disasters.

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