
Letter of Solidarity with the Church in South Sudan, February 19, 2014

Year Published
  • 2014
  • English

February 19, 2014

Most Reverend Paulino Lukudu Loro
Archbishop of Juba
Catholic Church
P.O. Box 32
South Sudan

Your Grace:

As Chair of the Committee on International Justice and Peace of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops I write to express our solidarity with the Church and the people of South Sudan during this time of crisis. We have followed the events in South Sudan since their beginning on December 15, 2013 and share your deep concern regarding the violence, the loss of life and the disruption to the country’s development.

I have also read your Pastoral Exhortation, “Let us Refound Our Nation on a New Covenant” of January 31, 2014. Your document is a powerful statement on the crisis, its causes and the terrible consequences for the people of South Sudan. I was particularly struck by Paragraph 30 of the Exhortation which eloquently lays out your vision of what the people and the government of South Sudan must do to rise from the crisis and build a renewed country on the bedrock of the Gospels and Catholic Social Teaching.

I have taken the liberty of sending your Exhortation to National Security Council Advisor Susan Rice urging her to take your recommendations into consideration as the United States develops its response to the crisis. I have attached a copy of my letter to Susan Rice for your reference.

I wish to reiterate our sustained support for your witness and ministry to the people of South Sudan at this time. As a concrete sign of our continued commitment, I would like to propose a solidarity visit to Juba, South Sudan, from July 10 through the 15, 2014. If these dates meet with your approval, please let us and the Catholic Relief Services program know and we will start the preparation for the trip. I look forward to hearing from you and I hope to see you in July.

Fraternally yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Richard E. Pates
Bishop of Des Moines
Chair, Committee on International Justice and Peace
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Encl: Bishop Richard Pates Letter to NSC Advisor Susan Rice

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