Catechism of the Catholic Church

720 Index of Citations 21:3 756,* 2676 21:4 1044, 1186 21:5 1044 21:6 694,* 1137* 21:7 2788 21:9 757,* 865, 1045, 1138* 21:10-11 865 21:12-14 765* 21:14 857, 865, 869 21:22 586* 21:27 1044,* 1045* 22:1 1137 22:4 1023* 22:5 1029 22:15 1470* 22:16 437,* 528* 22:17 524,* 671, 694,* 757,* 796,* 1130, 2550,* 2853 22:20 451, 671, 673,* 1130, 1403, 2853 22:21 1061* P rofessions of F aith (Cited by DS numbers) 1-64 192* 10-64 496* 71-72 192* 71 254 75-76 192* 75 266 76 1035* Apostles’ Creed 167, 194,* 196,* 325, 750, 946, 1331 E cumenical C ouncils (Cited by DS numbers, except for Vatican II) Nicaea I (325) 126 465 130 465 Creed 465 Constantinople I (381) Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed 150 195,* 196,* 242, 243, 245, 245, 291, 325, 652, 664, 685, 750, 1680 in the original Greek 167 Ephesus (431) 250 466 251 466, 495* 255 468* Chalcedon (451) 301-302 467