Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index of Citations 725 8 821, 2791* 9 821,* 821* 10 821* 11 90, 821* 12 821* 13-18 838* 15 925,* 1399, 1399 22 1271, 1400, 1400, 2791* 24 822 Christus Dominus (October 28, 1965) 2 882,* 937, 1558 3 886* 4 1560* 9 882* 11 833,* 1548* 13 1586* 15 1569* 16 1586* 33-35 927* 36 1560* 37 1560* Perfectae caritatis (October 28, 1965) 1 915,* 918 2 2684* 5 916* 7 2691* 11 929 12 1620* Optatam totius (October 28, 1965) 10 1620* 20 1565 Gravissimum educationis (October 28, 1965) 3 1653,* 2221 6 2229* Nostra aetate (October 28, 1965) 1 360,* 842 2 843,* 2104 3 841* 4 597, 839* 5 2793* Dei Verbum (November 18, 1965) 2 51, 53, 64, 142, 1103, 2587 3 54, 55, 62* 4 66 5 143,* 153, 158, 1814 6 36,* 38* 7 74, 75, 76, 76, 77 8 77, 78, 78, 79, 94, 94, 94, 98, 1124,* 2650, 2651* 8 § 3 120* 9 80, 81, 82 10 84, 85, 86, 97, 889,* 891, 2663* 10 § 3 95 11 105, 106, 107, 136,* 337* 12 § 1 109* 12 § 2 110 12 § 3 111, 111,* 119 13 101 14-16 1094* 14 121* 15 122 16 129* 17 124 18 125 19 126, 573* 20 124* 21 103,* 104, 131, 141, 1346* 22 131 23 94* 24 94,* 104,* 132, 135 25 133, 2653 Apostolicam actuositatem (November 18, 1965) 2 863, 873, 940 3 798,* 864 4 864* 5 2832* 6 851,* 905, 2044 8 2446 13 2105, 2105*