Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index of Citations 735 E cclesiastical D ocuments Roman Catechism Preface 10 25 Preface 11 24 1, 1, 3 190 1, 1, 4 191 1, 2, 2 199, 200 1, 2, 13 274 1, 5, 11 598, 598 1, 6, 3 633 1, 10, 1 749 1, 10, 20 770 1, 10, 22 750* 1, 10, 24 947, 950 1, 10, 27 952 1, 11, 3 978 1, 11, 4 979 1, 11, 5 982 1, 11, 6 987 2, 2, 5 1213 2, 5, 18 1468 2, 5, 21 1450 2, 5, 4 1431* 3, 2, 4 2086 3, 37 2536, 2537 Congregations Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Letter, To the Bishops of England (September 16, 1864) DS 2888 811* Decree, De millenarismo (July 19, 1944) DS 3839 676* Letter, To the Archbishop of Boston (August 8, 1949) DS 3866-3872 847* Declaration, Mysterium Ecclesiae (June 24, 1973) 3 2035 Declaration, Persona humana (December 29, 1975) 7 2391 8 2357 9 2352, 2352, 2352 11 2349 Declaration, Inter insigniores (October 15, 1976) 1577* Instruction, Pastoralis actio (October 20, 1980) 1252* Instruction, Libertatis conscientia (March 22, 1986) 13 1740 68 2448 Instruction, Donum vitae (February 22, 1987) Intro. 2 2375 Intro. 5 2258 1, 1 2270* 1, 2 2274 1, 3 2275 1, 5 2275 1, 6 2275 2, 1 2376 2, 4 2377 2, 5 2377* 2, 8 2378 3 2273, 2273