Catechism of the Catholic Church

736 Index of Citations Congregation of the Clergy General Catechetical Directory 43 234 47 234 51 280 69 1056 Congregation of Rites Instruction, Eucharisticum mysterium (May 25, 1967) 6 1325 Congregation of Studies Decree, Theses approbatae philosophiae thomisticae (July 27, 1914) DS 3624 318* Synod of Bishops Final Report, Exeunte coetu secundo (December 7, 1985) II B a 4 10, 11 Episcopal Assemblies CELAM, Document of Puebla (1979) 1676 C anon L aw Canon of the Apostles 34 887* Codex Iuris Canonici 129 § 2 911 204 § 1 871, 1213* 205 815* 206 1249* 207 § 1 934 207 § 2 873, 934 208-23 1269 208 872 212 § 3 907 213 2037* 220 2477* 222 2043* 229 906* 230 § 1 903* 230 § 3 903 290-293 1583* 330 880* 331 936 336 883* 337, 1 884 368-369 833* 443 § 4 911 463 § 1 911 463 § 2 911 492 § 1 911 511 911 515 § 1 2179 517 § 2 911 536 911, 911 573 916,* 925* 591 927* 603 § 1 920 604 § 1 923, 924 604 § 2 924* 605 919* 607 925* 654 2103*