Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index of Citations 741 E cclesiastical W riters Anonymous authors Ancient homily for Holy Saturday PG 43, 440A, 452 CLH , OR, Holy Saturday 635 Constitutiones Apostolorum 7, 24, 1 PG 1, 1016 2760 8, 13, 12 PG 1, 1108 1331 Didache xii Apostolorum 1, 1 SCh 248, 140 1696 2, 2 SCh 248, 148 2271 8, 2 SCh 248, 174 2760 8, 3 SCh 248, 174 2767 9, 5 SCh 248, 176-178 1331 10, 6 SCh 248, 180 1331, 1403 Epistula ad Diognetum 5, 5 PG 2, 1173-1176 2240, 2271* 5, 8-9 PG 2, 1173 2796 5, 10 PG 2, 1173 2240 6, 10 PG 2, 1176 2240 Imitation of Christ 1, 23, 1 1014 Sermo de die dominica PG 86/1, 416C, 421C 2178 Alphonsus de Liguori , St. Del gran mezzo della preghiera 2744 Ambrose , St. De mysteriis 7, 42 PL 16 (1880), 402-403 1303 9, 50, 52 PL 16 (1880), 405-406 1375 De officiis ministrorum 1, 88 PL 16 (1880), 50 2653 De poenitentia 1, 34 PL 16 (1880), 477A 983 De sacramentis 2, 6 PL 16 (1880), 444 1225 4, 7 PL 16 (1880), 437D 1383 4, 28 PL 16 (1880), 446A 1393 5, 7 PL 16 (1880), 447C 1383 5, 19 PL 16 (1880), 450C 2783 5, 26 PL 16 (1880), 453A 2836 5, 30 PL 16 (1880), 454 2852 De viduis 4, 23 PL 16 (1880), 255A 2349 De virginitate 18, 118 PL 16 (1880), 297B 845 Enarrationes in Psalmos 1, 9 PL 14, 924 LH , OR, week 10, Saturday 2589 Epistulae 41, 12 PL 16 (1880), 1116B 1429 Explanatio symboli 1 PL 17 (1879), 1193 197 7 PL 17 (1879), 1196 194 11 PL 17 (1879), 1196 191* Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam 2, 85-89 PL 15, 1583-1586 766* 10, 121 PL 15, 1834A 1025 Expositio Psalmi CXVIII 14, 30 PL 15, 1403A 908