Catechism of the Catholic Church

744 Index of Citations Benedict , St. Regula 20 2834* 43, 3 PL 66, 675-676 347 48 2834 Bernard of Clairvaux , St. Homilia super missus est 4, 11 PL 183, 86B 108 In Canticum sermones 27, 14 PL 183, 920D 771 Bonaventure , St. In libros sententiarum 2, 1, 2, 2, 1 293 4, 37, 1, 3 2071 Caesaria the Younger , St. To St. Richildis and St. Radegunde SCh 345, 480 127 Caesarius of Arles , St. Expositio symboli (sermo 9) CCL 103, 47 232 Catherine of Siena , St. dialogues 1, 7 1937 4, 13  LH , OR, week 19, Sunday 356 4, 138 313 Clement of Alexandria Paedagogus 1, 6, 27 PG 8, 281 760, 813 Clement of Rome , St. Epistula ad Corinthios 7, 4 PG 1, 224 1432 42, 4 PG 1, 292-293 1577 42, 44 PG 1, 291-300 861* 44, 3 PG 1, 300 1577 61, 1-2 SCh 167, 198-200 1900 Cyprian of Carthage , St. 1290 De ecclesiae catholicae unitate PL 4 (1891), 509-536 846 6 PL 4 (1891), 519 181 De Dominica oratione 9 PL 4 (1891), 525A 2782 11 PL 4 (1891), 526B 2784 12 PL 4 (1891), 527A 2813 13 PL 4 (1891), 528A 2816 21 PL 4 (1891), 551 2803 23 PL 4 (1891), 535-536 810, 2845 Epistulae 58, 10, 1 PL 4 (1891), 368 1028 73, 21 PL 3, 1169 846 Cyril of Alexandria , St. Commentarius in johannem 12, 11 PG 74, 560-561 738 In Lucam 22, 19 PG 72, 921B 1381 Cyril of Jerusalem , St. Catecheses illuminandorum 5, 12 PG 33, 521-524 186 18, 29 PG 33, 1049 LH , OR, week 17, Thursday 1050