Catechism of the Catholic Church

746 Index of Citations Gregory of Nazianzus , St. Orationes 2, 71 PG 35, 480B 1589 2, 73 PG 35, 481A 1589 2, 74 PG 35, 481B 1589 16, 9 PG 35, 945C 2565 39, 17 PG 36, 356A 980 40, 3-4 PG 36, 361C 1216 40, 9 PG 36, 369B 537 40, 41 PG 36, 417 256 Orationes theologicae 1, 4 PG 36, 16B 2697 5, 26 PG 36, 161C 684 5, 28 PG 36, 165C 2670 Gregory of Nyssa , St. De spiritu sancto 3, 1 PG 45, 1321A–B 690 De vita Mosis PG 44, 300D 2028 Homiliae in Canticum 8 PG 44, 941C 2015 Homilia in orationem dominicam 2 PG 44, 1148B 2784 In Christi resurrectionem 1 PG 46, 617B 650 Oratio catechetica 15 PG 45, 48B 457 16 PG 45, 52D 625 Orationes de beatitudinibus 1 PG 44, 1200D 1803, 2546 6 PG 44, 1265A 2548 Guigo the Carthusian Scala claustralium PL 184, 476C 2654* Hermas Mandata pastoris 2, 1 PG 2, 916 2517 Visiones pastoris 2, 4 PG 2, 899 760 Hilary of Poitiers , St. In evangelium Matthaei 2, 5 PL 9, 927 537 Hippolytus of Rome , St. De paschate 1-2 SCh 27, 117 1165 Traditio apostolica 3 SCh 11, 44-46 1586 8 SCh 11, 58-62 1569* 21 SCh 11, 80-95 1291,* 1301* 35 SCh 11, 118 749 Hugh of Saint Victor De arca Noe 2, 8 PL 176, 642C 134 Ignatius of Antioch, St. 2837 Epistula ad Ephesios 19, 1  AF II/2, 76-80; SCh 10, 88 498 20, 2  AF II/2, 87; SCh 10, 76 1331, 1405 20, 2  PG 5, 661 2837