Catechism of the Catholic Church

770 Index by Christ’s will, 831 each particular Church as the Catholic Church, 823‑35 meaning of the word, 830 mission as a requirement of the Church’s Catholicity, 849 relations with churches that are not, 838 apostolic, 857‑65 nature of the Church, 863 succession of bishops in the place of the apostles, 862 successors designated by the apostles, 861 three meanings of, 857 the Church and those who are non‑Christians, 839 bond between the Church and non‑Christian religions, 842‑44 the Church open to men scattered and led astray, 845 necessity of the Church to obtain salvation, 846‑48 relations of the Church with Muslims, 841 relations of the Church with the Jewish people, 839‑40 the Church and society the Church as the safeguard of the transcendent nature of the human person, 2245 the Church’s moral judgment in political, economic, and social matters, 2246, 2420 political community and the Church, 244‑46 the Church as communion of charisms, 951 of charity, 953 with the dead, 958 as the deepest vocation of the Church, 959 of faith, 949 of God and men, 2790 with Jesus, 787‑96 priestly community, 1119 sacrament of Communion in the liturgy, 1108 of saints, 946‑48, 953 with the saints, 954‑57 spiritual goods of the communion of saints as the Church’s treasury, 1476 the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ building up of the Church, 872, 1123, 2003 catechesis and the Church, 4 charisms and the Church, 800 Christ as head of the Church, 1548 Christians as members of the Church, 521, 790, 953, 960, 1267, 1396, 1988, 2045 the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ, 774, 776‑77, 779, 787‑96, 805‑07, 1396 consecrated men and women and the Church, 917 dead and the Church, 958 the Holy Spirit and the Church, 1105‑06, 1111, 1353 human illness and the Church, 1508 liturgy and the Church, 1070, 1140, 1187‑88 sacraments and the Church, 774, 1116, 1123, 1267, 1279, 1621, 2040, 2782 unity, diversity, and mission of the members of the Church, 873‑74, 947 make‑up of the Church apostles as foundation stones of the, 642 Christ and His presence in the, 1380 Christ as head and origin of the, 669, 874 Christ provides the gifts and ministries of the, 794 Christian faithful in the, 897‑913 hierarchical structure of the, 771, 874‑87 ordained ministries cannot be substituted for in the structure of the, 1593 religious and consecrated life, 914, 916 ( see also Life: consecrated life) See also Apostolic college; Episcopal college ministry of governing authority of governing the Church, 553