Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 791 as a gift of God, 153 God and the things ordained by God as the object of, 150‑52, 170, 178, 182, 206 grounds of, 156, 651 as a human act by no means contrary to freedom and human reason, 154‑55 idolatry as a temptation to, 2113 motives of, 156 Muslims and faith in the one God, 841 prayer of, 2570, 2610‑11, 2613, 2616 science and, 159 significance of, 26, 142‑43, 150 sins against, 2088‑89 supernatural sense of, 91‑93, 889, 904 temptations and difficulties on the path of, 164 test of doubt, 644, 1381, 2088‑89 as a theological virtue, 1813‑16 ultimate trial of, 675 See also Believing aids to teaching the faith awareness of God’s almighty power, 274 bishops as teachers of the, 12, 888, 2034 catechumenate and initiation into the, 1247‑48 the Catholic Church as educator in the, 168‑69, 197, 868, 1124 defending and spreading the, 1285 example of Abraham, 144‑45 example of Mary, 148‑49 example of our ancestors, 147 Holy Spirit, 1098, 1520 Law, 1963 liturgy, 1083, 1204, 1206 Magisterium, 890, 892 sacraments, 1123, 1305 sacred images, 1192 witness of Christian life, 2044 Word of God, 131, 1102, 1122, 1154 creeds and formulas of belief Apostles’ Creed, 194 baptismal profession, 189 language of faith, 170‑71, 185 Nicene Creed, 195 parts and articles of the Creed, 190‑91 significance of the Creed, 186‑88, 197 effects of faith acceptance and understanding of Revelation, 99, 158 access to the Eucharistic mystery, 1381 mystery of Christ’s Resurrection, 1000 mystery of the Church, 770, 779, 812 mystery of death, 1006 awareness of one’s dignity, 1692 belonging to the People of God, 782 confirmed communion of spouses, 1644 divine concession to those who ask, 548 embodiment of Christ, 818 embracing God’s almighty power, 273 good conscience and charity, 1794 knowledge of God, 2614 moral discretion, 2038 one Church in one faith, 818‑19 question of evil, 309, 324 repentance, 1492 sharing in Christ’s prophetic office, 785 source of moral life, 2087, 2716 source of prayer and help, 2656, 2662, 2754 obedience of faith hearing God’s Word and, 2716 Mary and, 144, 494 as the principal moral obligation, 2087 significance of, 143‑44 properties and nature of faith acts contrary neither to freedom nor to human reason, 154‑55, 180 beginning of eternal life, 163‑65 certitude of, 157 freedom of, 160 full assent to God, 143, 155, 176, 2609 grace given by God, 153, 162, 179, 298, 2005 man’s response to God’s gift, 142 necessity of, 161, 183, 846 only one, 172‑75, 866