Catechism of the Catholic Church

792 Index perseverance in, 162 personal act and witness to others, 166 understanding and growth in, 94‑95, 156‑59, 176 Fall account in Genesis of man’s, 289, 390 cause of man’s, 215, 385 cause and origin of the fall of the angels, 391‑93, 760 God did not abandon man after the, 55, 70, 410 See also Original sin Fame. See Notoriety Family baptismal priesthood, 1657 children’s respect for their parents, 2214‑20 Christian, 2204‑06 Church as the family of God, of Christ, 1, 759, 764, 959, 1655, 2233 dangers that threaten, 2436 as the domestic Church, 1655‑58, 1666, 2204‑05, 2685 duties of children in, 2214‑20 duties of parents in, 2221‑26 education of one’s, 1914 education of and respect for children, 2221‑24, 2228‑30 evangelization of children, 2225‑26 family’s duties toward the young and the old, 2208 and the fourth commandment, 2197‑2200 God’s, 2232 in God’s plan, 2201‑03 as the image of the Trinity, 2205 Jesus’, 533, 564 and the Kingdom of God, 2232 large families as a sign of God’s blessing, 2373 make‑up, nature, and purpose of, 2201‑03, 2249, 2363 offenses against the, 2390 openness of the family to fertility, 1652‑54 as the original cell of social life, 1882, 2207 parents’ rights in, 2229‑30 persons without a, 1658 prayer in, 2183, 2685, 2691, 2834 preparation for establishing, 1632 as a privileged community, 2206 as a reflection of the Father’s creative work, 2205 respect for the vocation of children, 2232‑33 right to establish, 1908 social defense of, 2209‑11 Sunday dedication to one’s, 2186 See also Marriage Fasting as the evangelical Law, 1969 as a form of penance, 1434, 1438, 2043 as preparation for receiving Communion, 1387 Father. See Fatherhood; Parents first Person of the Trinity, 198 God the, 232‑60 significance of the invocation of, 238‑39 actions of God the Father Christ, the Word of God, 65 the cry “ Abba ! Father!” 742, 2777 dialogue between God and men, 104 God the merciful, 1439, 1449 God, the one Father of all men, 172, 239‑40 plan of, 759 providence and the love of God the Father towards all men, 17, 305 relation between God the Father and Jesus Christ, 151, 242, 454, 465, 467, 473, 482, 503, 532, 536, 590, 859, 1224 relation between the Holy Spirit and, 689, 703, 729 Revelation of, 79, 516 as the source and goal of the liturgy, 1077‑83 source and origin of the whole divinity, 245‑46, 248 toward men, 219, 443, 845, 1050, 1153, 2466, 2714 toward the Son Jesus, 648 Trinity and, 253‑55, 258 will of, 541 man’s actions toward God the Father doing the will of, 2603, 2611 man’s access to, 51, 683, 1204