Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 793 prayers to be poured forth to, 434, 1109, 1352‑53, 2605 praying to God the Father, 1695, 2564, 2601, 2610, 2613, 2664, 2735‑36, 2742 ( see also “Our Father,” the prayer) thanksgiving and praise to, 1359‑61 Fatherhood divine fatherhood as the source of human, 2214 of God, 239, 270 ( see also God) responsible, 2368 spouses share in fatherhood of God, 2367 Fathers of the Church , 11, 688 Faults abortion, cooperation, and, 2272 acknowledgement of, 827, 1455, 1847 Adam’s fault and its consequences, 390, 402‑03 against chastity, 2352, 2354‑55 against justice and truth, 2477, 2480‑81, 2485, 2487, 2509 of atheism, 2125 Christ’s death and the faults of man, 580, 598 civil punishment and, 2266 confession of, 1458, 1493 conscience and, 1781, 1784, 1801 dissensions in the Church and among men, 817 erroneous judgment and, 1791 forgiveness given for every, 978, 982, 1502, 1847 forgiveness of, 1031, 1425, 1436, 1452 gravity of, 1861, 2073 intentional homicide and, 2269 legitimate defense and, 2264 Mary, free from original sin, 966 penance and sins, 1435, 1459 reparation for, 2487 reputation, respect for it, and, 2477 of scandal, 2284, 2287, 2326 unintentional ignorance and, 1860 See also Sin Fear among the principal passions, 1772 of eternal damnation, 1453 of evil, 1765 evoked by God’s presence, 2144 of God as the foundation of respect for one’s parents, 2217 of God as a gift of the Spirit, 1303, 1831 of God inspired by the message of the Last Judgment, 1041 Feast days Easter as the “Feast of feasts,” 1169 Eucharist and, 1389, 1391, 2042 feasts of the Jews and Jesus, 583 heavenly liturgy as feast, 1136 preparation for the liturgical feasts, 2043 sanctifying holy days, 2180, 2187‑88, 2193 Sunday as the first of all days and of all feasts, 2174 Fecundity Christ gives spiritual fruitfulness to lives, 755, 864, 2074 extension of the fecundity of conjugal love, 2221, 2363 of marriage, 2366‑72 as an obligation of conjugal love, 2363 openness to the transmission of life in marriage, 372, 1604, 1642‑43, 1652‑54, 1662, 1664 significance of human, 2335, 2398 Fidelity “Amen” as an expression of, 1062 of the baptized, 2044 to Christ in participation in the Eucharist, 2182 the Church’s, 1117, 1342 Divine, 207, 212, 214, 489, 1062‑63, 1334, 2577 to God, 1502, 2101, 2787 to God’s Word, 81, 86, 2466 Fire eternal, 1034‑35 of love, 2671, 2717, 2785 purifying, 1031 as the symbol of the Holy Spirit, 696 symbolic meaning of, 1147, 1189 First‑fruits Christ as first‑fruits of the dead, 655 fruits of the Holy Spirit as first‑fruits of eternal glory, 1832