Catechism of the Catholic Church

794 Index Magi as first‑fruits of the nations, 528 Mary as first‑fruits of the Church, 972 Flesh Christ the Word made manifest in, 51, 423, 461, 476‑77 Christ’s flesh as the food of life, 728, 787, 1384, 1391, 1406, 1524 lust of, 2514, 2520 man and woman, one flesh, 372, 1605, 1616, 1627, 1642, 2364 resurrection of, 988, 990, 996, 1017 struggle between flesh and the spirit, 1819, 1846, 2116 is weak, 2733 works of, 1852 Flock Church as, 754, 764 shepherds of, 861, 881, 893, 1548, 1575, 1586 Flood prefiguration of Baptism, 1094, 1219 Following Christ , 520, 618 in consecrated life, 916, 918, 923, 932, 1618 effects of, 1694 as the first vocation of a Christian, 2232, 2253 as a form of penance, 1435 in the spirit of truth, 2466 Foreigner , 2241 Forgiveness asking for forgiveness in prayer, 1425, 2631, 2838‑45 conversion and, 2608 is denied to the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, 1864 family as a school for granting, 1657, 2227 God’s forgiveness as a sign of His omnipotence, 277 God’s grace as the origin of, 2010 must be given to whoever trespasses against us, 2840, 2845 only God grants, 1441 power of, 981 sacraments as ways to receive, 987, 2839 See also Penance and Reconciliation forgiveness of sins of all sins is possible, 982 Baptism and, 403, 977‑80, 1226, 1263 Christ brings about, 987, 1741 Christ justifies men, 615, 1708 Christ, the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,” 523, 536, 608 Christ, “satisfaction for our sins,” 615, 1708 the Church’s power to forgive sins, 981 different ways to obtain, 1434, 1437, 1452 as an effect of justification, 2018 effects of, 1443, 1473 Eucharist and, 1393, 1846 forms of penance and ways to obtain, 1434‑39 God alone can forgive sins, 430‑31, 1441 as God’s gift of love, 734 Holy Spirit and, 984 offering of Christ to the Father for our sins, 606‑18 for our sake God made Christ to be sin, 602‑03 priests as instruments to forgive sins, 1421, 1486, 1520 as reconciliation with the Church, 1443 and the sacrament of Penance, 1496 sacrifice of Christ for the remission of the sins of man, 536, 545, 610, 613 Formation catechetical, 906 of catechumens, 1248 of conscience, 1783‑85 of evangelizers, 428 in prayer, 2686 social communications media and, 2493 spiritual formation of children, 2221 Formulas of absolution, 1449, 1481 catechetical formula of the Commandments, after 2051 of the Decalogue, 2065