Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 795 origin of Christian prayer formularies, 1096 of the profession of faith, 170 Fornication definition of, 2353 immorality of, 1755, 1852, 2353 Fortitude as a cardinal virtue, 1805, 1808 as a gift of the Holy Spirit, 712, 1303, 1831 imploring of the Spirit of strength, 2846 Fraternal correction charity and, 1829 conversion and, 1435 Fraternity brotherhood among priests, 1568 consecrated life and, 925, 929 dangers that disrupt neighborly fellowship, 1740 educating in, 2207 established by popular piety, 1676 solidarity as demands of human and Christian brotherhood, 1939 Fraud condemnation of, 1916, 2409 root of, 2534 scandal through encouraging, 2286 Freedom conditions for guaranteeing, 2223, 2236, 2402 to contract marriage, 1625 dangers threatening, 1740, 1883 definition of, 1731 earthly power and personal, 450 education for, 2207, 2223, 2228, 2526 education of conscience promotes, 1748 of the family, 2211 of information and communication, 2304, 2498 of man, 33, 387, 1700, 1730‑48 political, 2245 practice of a moral life gives, 1828 religious, 1907, 2107‑09, 2211 right to the exercise of, 1738, 1782, 2008 significance of human, 1705 truth as a gift of, 1741 freedom and responsibility, 1731‑38 consequences of the use of, 1733‑34 and the possibility of choosing between good and evil, 1732 right to exercise freedom, 1738, 1907, 2254 violation of personal, 2356, 2492 will and, 1734‑35 freedom in the Economy of Salvation of faith, 154, 160, 180 given to us by Christ, 908, 1741 God creates freely “out of nothing,” 296 God’s respect for human freedom, 311, 1884 Grace does not rival human freedom, 1742, 1993, 2008 Jesus’ freedom in obeying the Father, 609‑10, 1009, 2749 limits of, 396‑450 and original sin, 397, 407, 415, 1707, 1714, 1739 and sin, 387, 601, 654, 1739, 1741, 1853, 1859 of the Virgin Mary, 488, 511 Friend Christ, friend of man, 1972 God, friend of man, 142, 2063, 2576 laying down one’s life for one’s, 609 Friendship as an aid to the homosexual, 2359 between Christ and man, 1395, 2665 between God and man, 55, 277, 355, 374, 384, 396, 1023, 1030, 1468, 1863, 2709 charity, harmony, and, 1829, 1939 chastity developed and expressed in, 2347 is no excuse for insults against the truth, 2480 Fulfillment Mary and the fulfillment of the Lord’s words, 148‑149, 2676 of the Old Law, 580 of the precepts of justice, 2411 Resurrection and the fulfillment of hope, 992 Fullness charity as fullness of the law, 2055