Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 803 prayer and, 2562, 2588, 2655, 2700, 2710, 2721, 2800 significance of, 368, 2563, 2710 sin and the heart of man, 1850, 1853, 1855, 1873, 1963, 2336, 2528 transformation of the praying, 2739 will of God and the shaping of, 2611 Heaven beatitude of, 1729 beauty of heaven and the knowledge of God, 32 Christ and His Ascension into, 659‑64, 665‑67 Christ and His descent from, 440, 1001 Christians as citizens of, 2796 the Church and the glory of, 769, 778, 1042, 1053 communion between the Church on earth and in, 954‑59, 962 creation of heaven and earth in the Apostles’ Creed, 198, 279, 325 Eucharist as the bread of, 1331, 1355, 1419, 2837 God, the Creator of heaven and earth, 212, 216, 269, 287, 290 hope and the glory of, 1821 kingdom of heaven and the Beatitudes, 1716, 1724‑25 and celibacy and virginity, 1579, 1618‑19 and Christ, 541, 567, 763 and Christ’s passover, 541, 567, 763 and the Church, 865 and God’s will, 2826 and hope, 1817‑18 and the keys, 553 and the Law, 577, 1964 and poverty, 544, 2544, 2547, 2556 Lord’s Prayer and, 2794‑96, 2802 new heaven and the new earth, 1042‑50 significance of, 326, 1024‑26, 2794‑95, 2802 treasure in, 2053 Hebrews. See Israel Hell the Church’s teaching on, 1036 as the consequence of the continual rejection of God, 1034 definition of, 1033‑34 eternal separation from God as hell’s chief punishment, 1035 as the free and willful turning away from God, 1037 mortal sin as the cause of eternal death, 1861 Heresy definition of, 2089 first, 465 origin of, 817 Hermeneutics. See Exegesis Hermits. See Life: consecrated Hierarchy of the Church, 871‑76, 1569, 1571 of creatures evident in creation, 342 of petitions in prayer, 2632 of spiritual and material values, 1886, 1895, 2236, 2244 of truths of the faith, 90, 234 History Church and, 759, 770 creation as the beginning of, 338 God, the Lord and Master of, 269, 304, 450 God transcends, 212 grasping the ultimate meaning of, 388, 1040 interpretation of history and the Church’s social teaching, 2422 prayer and, 2568, 2591, 2596, 2660 providence in, 303, 314, 395 sin and, 386, 390, 401, 409 Hodie. See “Today” Holiness call to, 2013‑14, 2028, 2813 charity as the soul of, 826 of Christ, 459, 564, 2030 of the Christian faithful, 2045 of the Church, 670, 824‑25, 867, 1986 in the communion of saints, 1475 the Cross as the way to, 2015 faith as a help to attain, 1709 of God, 2809 ( see also God) Mary’s, 492 as a measure in the Church, 828 no holiness without ascesis, 2015