Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 805 Christian as a temple of, 1197, 1265 consubstantial with the Father and the Son, 685, 689 in the Creed, 190 desires of the Holy Spirit that satisfy man’s heart are contrary to the desires of the flesh, 2541‑43 grace of Holy Spirit and justification, 1987‑95, 2003 invoking the outpouring of, 1083, 1196, 1299, 1353, 2670‑72 man as a temple of, 364, 782, 2519 man participates in the light and power of, 1704 meaning of the term “Spirit,” 691 new law of, 782 power of the Spirit of holiness recognized in the canonized faithful, 828 praying with and in conformity with the, 2736, 2756 presence and action of the Holy Spirit in human faculties, 1813 purposes of the mission of, 1108 renewal by, 1215 revelation of, 243‑45, 683, 686‑87 Trinity and, 253‑55, 263 gifts of the Holy Spirit, 1830‑32 charism of healing, 1508 charisms, 799, 951 charity as the fruit of the Holy Spirit and of the fullness of the Law, 1824 chastity, 2345 in Confirmation, 1289, 1303 in episcopal consecration, 1556, 1558 fear of God, 2217 fruits of the Holy Spirit, 736, 1832 grace, 2003 grace of repentance and conversion, 1433 love, 733, 735, 2712 in the power of forgiving sins, 976 in the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, 1520 Holy Orders, 1538, 1585‑89 Matrimony, 1624 seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, 1831, 1845 what is necessary for receiving, 1310 wisdom, faith, and discernment, 2690 Holy Spirit and Christ in Christ’s ministry, 535, 555 in Christ’s prayer, 2600 in communion with Christ, 1286 conjoined mission of the Son and the, 485, 680, 690, 727 as the gift of Christ, 729, 1287 and the mystery of Christ, 1099, 1104‑07 prepares for the reception of Christ, 1093‑98, 1113 recalls the mystery of Christ, 1099‑1107 relation between the Holy Spirit and Jesus, 739, 747, 797, 1108 in the Resurrection, 648 reveals Jesus Christ, 152, 683, 687, 689, 702, 727‑30, 1092, 1112 reveals the Father and the Son, 243‑48, 687 Holy Spirit and the Church, 738‑41 action in the sacraments, 1116, 1127‑29, 1152, 1155, 1227, 1316 bestows hierarchical and charismatic gifts, 768 bestows the primary elements of the whole of the Church’s mission, 852 builds up and sanctifies the Church, 747 changes bread and wine, 1333 chooses suitable ministers, 1142 Church as the temple of the, 797‑801 communion of the Holy Spirit in the liturgy, 1108‑09 given to the apostles and in apostolic succession, 1087 leads the Church on her missionary paths, 852 new Law and the Law of the Gospel as the grace of, 1965‑66 outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Baptism, 784, 786 outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, 1302, 1316 as the source of the Church’s life and holiness, 749, 767‑68, 867 “Where the Church is, there also is God’s Spirit” and vice‑versa, 797