Catechism of the Catholic Church

808 Index Hypostasis Christ, one, 466, 468 meaning of, 252 Icon(s) contemplation of, 1162 significance of, 1161 use of, 2705 veneration of, 1159, 1192, 2131 See also Images, holy Identity accepting one’s sexual, 2333 of the Church, 865 cultural identity and respect for, 2441 of the elect, 1025 Jesus’, 430, 440, 590 man’s identity must be enriched, 1880 of the person, 203 Ideology of the Church and rejection of totalitarian and atheistic ideologies, 2425 Idolatry/idol(s) definition and significance of, 2112‑14 fame and riches as, 1723 of the human body, 2289 liberation from idolatry of the world, 2097 of money, 2424 as perversion, 2114 prohibition of making, 2129 as sin, 1852 as superstition, 2138 Ignorance feigned, 1859 frauds perpetuated through the trust of ignorant people, 2409 about God, 2087 ignorant conscience imputable to sin, 1790‑91, 1793 responsibility and, 1735 of Sacred Scripture, 133 unintentional, 1860 Illness as a consequence of sin, 1264 consequences and effects of, 1500‑01 human experience with, 1500 meaning of, 1502, 1505 as a sign of the inherited condition of human frailty, 2448 See also Pain Images , holy , 1159‑62. See also Icon(s) Imagination discipline of, 2520 mobilization of, 2708 Immaculate feast day of the Immaculate Conception, 2177 the Immaculate Conception, 490‑93 Immigrants access to employment open to, 2433 duties of political officials to, 2241 Immortality Eucharist as the “medicine of immortality,” 1405, 2837 of the soul, 366, 382 Imposition of hands. See Laying on of hands Imputability of actions and faults, 1735, 1860, 2125, 2355 Incarnation , 461‑63 and Ascension, 661 Christ’s human will follows His divine will, 475 Christ’s Incarnation considered from a historical perspective, 423 Councils affirm Christ’s, 465‑68 effects of the Son of God’s, 432, 521 faith in Christ’s, 463, 465 heresies denying Christ’s humanity, 465‑68 human face of Christ “may be portrayed,” 476 human nature assumed, not absorbed, in the Son of God, 470 human soul assumed by the Son of God, 472 Jesus Christ true God and true man and not a confused mixture, 464, 499 mystery of, 359