Catechism of the Catholic Church

810 Index merit for obtaining inheritance of eternal life, 2009 pledge of the Holy Spirit, 1107 Initiation, Christian 1229‑33 of adults, 1233, 1247 essential elements of, 1229 fulfillment of, 1289, 1306, 1322 of infants, 1231 Latin and oriental rites of, 1233 sacraments of, 1212‑1419, 1420, 1533 unity of, 1285, 1292, 1318, 1321 ways of completing, 1230, 1233, 1244 Injustice causes of, 1869, 2534 consequences from, 2317 divine justice and human, 1040 reparation for, 2412 social, 1867 See Justice; Right(s) Inspiration God’s, 105, 136, 2008 of the Holy Spirit, 105, 107, 111 in Sacred Scripture, 76, 81, 105‑08, 135 Institutions human and social, 909, 1869, 1881‑82, 1888, 1897, 1916, 2211, 2238, 2244, 2286 in the Old Testament, 576, 709 Integrity of the person, 2273‑75, 2295, 2297‑98, 2338‑45, 2356, 2389 Intellect as a gift of the Holy Spirit, 1303, 1831 Intention bad intention makes an act evil that, in and of itself, is good, 1753 definition of, 1752 end does not justify the means, 1753, 1759, 2399 as an essential element in the moral evaluation of an action, 1750‑51 of the heart and desires, 582, 2534 lying and intention of deceiving, 2152 morality of an action must be judged independently of, 1756 purity of, 2520 reprehensible, 2117, 2282 several intentions inspiring the same action, 1752 Intercession of the angels, 336 of Christ, 739, 1341, 1361, 1368, 1370, 2606 of the Church, 1678 of the dead, 958 in the Old Testament, 210, 2574, 2577‑78, 2584 prayer of, 1096, 1354, 1509, 2634‑36, 2734, 2770 of religious, 2687 of the saints, 956, 1434, 2156, 2683 of the Virgin Mary, 969, 1434, 2156, 2683 Interest(s) charity without respect for personal, 953, 1825 common good and particular, 1908, 2236 economic life brings into play different, 2430 private or particular, 1740, 2278, 2316 Interiority investigating one’s own, 1779 Interpretation of the actions, thoughts, and words of one’s neighbor, 2478 of the deposit of faith, 84‑95 of experience, 1788, 2422 of the future and clairvoyance, 2116 of the Law, 581‑82, 2173 of Revelation, 82 of Sacred Scripture, 109‑19 of the Word of God, 85, 109, 111, 116, 119, 572, 601, 2055, 2336 Intimacy between God and His creature, 239, 441, 921 marital, 2360, 2362 respect for and defense of personal, 2492, 2521 Invocation to Christ, 2665, 2667‑68 to God, 431, 1105, 2154, 2807