Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 811 to the Holy Spirit, 1333 to occult powers, 2117 to the Trinity, 1278 Irreligion condemnation of, 2110, 2118 sins of, 2119‑20, 2139 Israel announcing to Israel the birth of Jesus, 437, 522, 719 the chosen people, 60, 762 the Church prefigured and prepared for in the people of, 759‑62, 1093 the Church’s relationship to the Jewish people, 839 expectation and hope of, 529, 673‑74 and faith in God, 212, 587‑591, 594 God saves Israel from sin, 431 God’s covenant with, 1611‑12 God’s Law and the people of the Jews, 708‑10, 1965 God’s love for, 218‑19 God’s people, 62‑64, 762 hope of, 64, 436, 453 Jesus and, 539, 574‑94 Jesus, the Messiah of, 438, 528, 535 Jewish liturgy and Christian liturgy, 1096 Jews not responsible collectively for the death of Jesus, 597‑99 and observance of the sabbath, 348, 2170‑71 participation of Jesus in the worship and Law of, 527, 531, 578 Passover in, 1363 people of the “elder brethren,” 63 people of Israel chosen by God, 781, 1539 prayer of the Jews for salvation, 2591‑97 priestly people, 63 relationship between the Jews and Jesus, 581 revelation of God to the Jews, 201, 228, 287‑88, 2085 revelation of the name of God to the Jews, 203‑04, 209, 214 rite of expiation of sins in, 433 sin in the history of, 401 Son of God, 238, 441 Jealousy of God, 399, 584 in marriage, 1606 as a work of the flesh, 1852 Jesus. See Christ Joseph Annunciation of the angel to, 497, 1846 feast day of Saint Joseph, 2177 Jesus’ submission to, 532 patron of a happy death, 1014 role and calling of, 437 Joy as the fruit of the Spirit, 736, 1832 of heaven, 1029‑30 impediments to, 2094 of the poor, 2546 sources of, 30, 163, 301, 1804, 1829, 2015, 2362 Sunday as the day of, 1193 Judgment anticipation of judgment in the sacrament of Penance, 1470 Christ’s, 679 of the Church, 119, 553, 2032, 2246, 2420, 2423 of conscience, 1777‑82, 1783, 1786‑87, 1806, 1848, 2039 false, 1790‑94, 2409, 2477 the final, eschatological, 677‑78, 1023, 1038‑41 about good and evil, 1865 Judgment Day, 681 limits of critical, 1861‑2497 particular, 1021‑22 rash, 2477‑78 Just (righteous) eternal life of the just after death, 769, 989, 1038 figures of Sacred Scripture (Abel, Noah, Daniel, Job), 58 Jesus and, 545, 588, 633 kingdom of righteous with Christ, 1042 quality of the prayer of, 2569, 2582 Justice acting according to, 1697, 1754, 1778, 1787 actions incompatible with, 1916, 2297, 2325, 2356, 2413, 2476, 2485 among nations, 2437‑42