Catechism of the Catholic Church

812 Index “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice,” 1716 definition of, 1807 distributive, 2236, 2411 duties of, 1459, 1787, 2401, 2446‑47, 2487 effects of, 2304 God’s, 271, 1040, 1861, 1953, 1987, 1991‑92, 2017, 2543 holiness and original, 375‑76, 379, 400, 404 obligation of lay people to conform all things to the norms of, 909 persecution for the sake of righteousness, 1716 political authorities and, 2237 requirements of, 1459, 2494‑95 seeking, 1888, 2820 social, 1928‑42, 2425‑26, 2832 virtue of, 1805, 1807, 2479, 2848 Justification conversion precedes, 1989 definition and significance of, 1987, 1989, 1991‑92 effects of, 1266, 1990 forgiveness and justice from on high as aspects of, 2018 as the most excellent work of God’s love, 1994 purpose for justifying men, 402, 617, 654, 1987, 1992 ways to receive, 1446, 1996, 2001 Kerygma. See Message Keys of the Kingdom , 551 ‑53 Peter and, 553, 567, 881, 936, 1444 the power of, 981‑83 sins, forgiveness, and the, 979, 981, 1444 Killing , 2258 abortion, 2270‑75 anger and the desire to kill, 2302 euthanasia, 2276‑79 intentional homicide, 2268‑69 as legitimate defense, 2263‑67 prohibition of killing in Sacred Scripture, 2259‑62 suicide, 2280‑83 Kingdom of God , 1720, 2819 Beatitudes and the Kingdom of heaven, 1716, 1726, 2546 building up of, 395 called to, 526, 543‑44, 2603 celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven, 1579, 1599, 1618‑19 Christ’s reign is yet to be fulfilled, 671 the Church as the Reign of Christ already present in mystery, 763 the Church as the seed and beginning of, 567, 669, 764, 768 coming of the Kingdom of God and the life of Christians, 2046 conditions for entering, 526, 543‑44, 556, 577, 1215, 1427, 1470, 1716, 2544, 2556, 2826 the eternal, 664 exclusion from the Kingdom of God and its causes, 1852, 1861, 2450 family and, 2232‑33 fulfillment of, 677, 1042, 1060 growth and the Reign of God, 2820 hope of, 1817 “The keys of the Kingdom,” 551‑53 “The Kingdom of God is at hand,” 541‑42, 1503, 2612 the Law and, 1963 prayer and, 2632, 2646, 2660 proclaiming, 543‑46, 768 seek first the, 305, 1942, 2632 signs manifesting the coming of, 560 signs of, 547‑50, 670, 1505 “Thy kingdom come,” 2804, 2816‑21, 2859 the Transfiguration of Christ as a foretaste of, 554 triumph of Christ’s kingdom, 680 way to spread, 853, 863 welcoming, 764 as the work of the Holy Spirit, 709 Kingdom of Satan , 550 . See also Demon Kingship (a royal people) , 786, 2105 Knowledge and awareness of sin, 708, 1859 of created and uncreated reality, 2500 of creation as God’s gift, 216, 283, 287 of the faith and of the catechism, 23, 186 of good and evil, 396, 1734