Catechism of the Catholic Church

814 Index validity of moral law during war, 2312 natural law, 1954‑60 acts contrary to, 2235, 2242 application of the moral law in different cultures, 1957 Decalogue and, 2070‑71, 2079 divorce and, 2384 as the foundation and basis of the other laws, 1959 immutability of, 1958 Magisterium of the Church and, 2036 political regimes and, 1901 revealed law and, 1960 significance of, 1954‑55 universality of, 1956 New Law of the Gospel, 1965‑71 definition of, 1965‑66 as an expression of the divine law, natural and revealed, 1965 as fulfillment of the Old Law, 1967‑68 and the Holy Spirit, 1966 Jesus as the norm of, 459 as a law of love, grace, and freedom, 1972 See also Covenant, New Lawlessness mystery of, 385 Laying on of hands in Confirmation, 1288 in Holy Orders, 1538, 1556, 1558, 1573 Jesus heals by, 699, 1504 as a sign of the Covenant, 1150 significance of, 699 Leader(s) bishops and pastors as, 939, 1140, 1575, 2033, 2594 Christ leads, 551, 1547 conscience and prudence as, 1778, 1806 Magisterium of the Church that leads, 93 spiritual direction, 2690 state as leader for economic activity, 2431 Supreme Pontiff as, 816, 895, 899 Lectern , 1184 Lectio divina liturgy and, 1177 meditation and, 2708 Lectionary , 1154 Lent , 540, 1095, 1438 Liberation economic and social, 2124 of Israel, 1363, 2170 prayer for liberation from evil, 2750, 2850‑54 and salvation, 1741 from sin, 1741, 1964 wrought by Baptism, 1221, 1237 Life changing life by conversion, 1431 of Christ ( see Christ) Christ as the link between death and, 625 of the Church ( see Church) compared to death, 1007, 1012 death as the end of earthly, 1013 dignity of the life of the human body, 364 of God ( see God) God alone is the Lord of, 2258 “I am the resurrection and the life,” 994 illness and suffering affect human, 1500 Jesus, the “author of life,” 635 laying down one’s soul for one’s friends, 609 man’s life in the earthly paradise, 376 man’s life as a struggle against evil, 386, 409, 1707 ministry of life as the fundamental duty of marriage and the family, 1653 sacred nature of human, 2258, 2319 water as the source of life and fruitfulness, 1218 Word of God and His breath at the origin of all, 703 Christian life angels as a help to, 336 catechumenate as formation in life, 1248 and communion with the divine persons, 259