Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 815 Eucharist, “source and summit of the whole Christian life,” 1324, 1391‑92 family as the first school of, 1657 Most Holy Trinity as central mystery of, 234 and participation in Christ’s death and Resurrection, 1002 popular piety enriches, 1679 prayer, an essential element of, 2701, 2745, 2764 ( see also Prayer) precepts of Christian life in the Sermon on the Mount, 1966 sacraments as foundation and help for, 1210, 1212‑13 Sacred Scripture as nourishment and rule of, 141 and the way of perfection, 2015 conjugal life and Christ’s presence in it, 1642 established by the Creator and provided with His laws, 1660 and fruitfulness, 1654, 1664 See also Marriage consecrated life the Church’s recognition of, 915 consecration and mission, 931‑33 definition of, 916 different forms of, 917‑19 eremitic life, 920‑21 evangelical counsels and profession, 914‑16, 944 religious life, 925‑27 secular institutes, 928‑29 significance of consecrated life in the Church, 932 societies of apostolic life, 930 virgins and widows, 922‑24, 1537, 1672 eternal life Baptism, the “seal of eternal life,” 1274 of the blessed as full possession of the fruits of the Redemption, 1026 Christ, the Lord of, 679 God wants to give man, 55 God will be “all in all” in, 1050, 1060 grave sin as an impediment to attaining, 1472 “He who eats my flesh... has eternal life,” 1406, 1524 “I believe in,” 1020 only God has “the words of eternal life,” 1336 pledge of eternal life in the sacraments, 1130 resurrection of the dead and, 989‑90, 994, 997‑98, 1016 as the reward of the righteous, 1038, 2002 vocation to eternal life as God’s gratuitous gift, 1998 “What good deed must I do, to have eternal life?” 2052, 2075 human life peace and respect for, 2304 purpose of human life to know God and to love and serve Him, 1, 68 respect for, 2559‑83 and legitimate defense, 2263‑67, 2321 from the moment of conception, 2270‑75, 2322 and the punishment of death, 2266‑67 right to, 2264, 2273 moral life and the Church’s Magisterium, 2032‑40, 2049‑51 as a condition for building up the Church and the Kingdom, 2045‑46 definition of, 2047 and the dignity of the person, 1706 faith as the source of our, 2087 gives spiritual freedom, 1828 impediments to, 1740 natural law governs, 1955 passions and, 1767‑70 as a primary condition for proclaiming the Gospel, 2044 is to reach its fulfillment in eternal life, 1715 as spiritual worship, 2031, 2047 virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit as a help to, 1804, 1808, 1830 new life as divine life Baptism as the source of, 1254, 1279 catechesis of, 1697