Catechism of the Catholic Church

816 Index communion with divine life as the purpose of creation, 760 divine life offered to men in the sacraments, 694, 1131 fruit in new life in Christ according to the Spirit, 740 God wants to communicate His divine life to men, 52, 541 grace as a sharing in God’s life, 375, 1997 liturgy as source of, 1071‑72 made possible by the coming of the Holy Spirit, 735 merited for us by Christ, 1708 opened in Christ’s Resurrection, 654 participation in the divine life arises not of the will of the flesh but of God, 505 received from the Church in Baptism, 168, 628, 683 and sin, 1420 See also Grace snares of human life abortion, 2271, 2322 euthanasia, 2276‑79 infanticide, 2271 intentional homicide, 2268‑69 procedures carried out on the embryo, 2275 suicide, 2280‑83 social life charity in, 1889 Christian revelation and, 2419 common good and, 1906, 1911, 1924 family and, 2207, 2210 God’s mode of governance must be imitated in, 1884 of man is necessary, 1879, 1891 must be organized, 2442 participation in, 1882, 1897‑1917 and protection of private life, 1907 spiritual life, 1699 ( see also Spiritual life; Spirituality) transmission of life as cooperation with the work of the Creator, 372, 2367, 2398 as the end of conjugal love, 2363, 2366 ordained by God, 372 regulation of births, 2368, 2370 Lifting up of Jesus on the cross, 662 the mind toward God, 2098, 2559 Light Baptism as, 1216 “Children of light,” 736, 1216, 1695 Christ as, 280, 529, 748, 1202, 2466, 2665, 2715 and darkness, 285, 1707 Decalogue as, 1962 of faith, 26, 89, 286, 298, 2730 God as, 157, 214, 234, 242, 257 of reason, 37, 47, 156‑57, 1955 as symbol, 697, 1027, 1147, 1189 Word of God as, 141, 1785 of the world, 1243, 2105, 2466 Likeness to God Baptism, the sacrament that confers conformity to the image of God, 1682 creatures bear a resemblance to God, 41 man’s resemblance to God, 225, 705, 1604, 1701‑09, 2319, 2331, 2784 union of the Divine Persons and the fraternity of men, 1878 ways to restore the divine likeness, 734, 2572 Limbo , 1261 . See also Baptism; Funerals Limits, therapeutic , 2278 Listening God hears man’s cry, 2657 God the Father always hears Jesus, 2604 to Jesus teaching us to pray, 2598 to the Word of God, 709, 900, 1651, 2578, 2584, 2656, 2716, 2724, 2835 Litanies , 1154, 1177 Liturgical music , 1156‑58 Liturgy angels in, 335 the Church as the proper place for liturgical prayer, 2691, 2695 earthly, 1088‑89 Easter, 1217