Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 817 Eastern liturgy and their features, 948, 1182, 1240, 1623 heavenly, 1090, 1137‑39, 1326 Jewish liturgy and Christian liturgy, 1096 Liturgy of the Word, 1103, 1154, 1346, 1349, 2183 Mary in, 721 participation in the liturgy of the Church, 1273, 1389 popular devotions and, 1674‑75 purpose of, 1068 significance of the word, 1069‑70 divine persons in the liturgy Christ as the center and Priest of, 662, 1070, 1088 Christ in, 1084‑90, 1097, 1136, 2655 God the Father as the source and goal of, 1077‑83 the Holy Spirit in, 688, 1091‑1109 as work of the Trinity, 1076‑1109 interpretation of the liturgy as an action of the Church, 1071‑72 as a constitutive element of tradition, 1124 corresponding to different cultures, 1204‑06 makes present the saving events, 1104 as the privileged place for catechesis, 1074 as a response of faith, 1083 as the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed and as the font from which her power flows, 1074 liturgical celebration of the Anointing of the Sick, 1517‑19, 1531 of Baptism, 1234‑45, 1278 celebrating the heavenly, 1137‑39 community and group, 1140‑41, 1144 head and members, 1142‑43 sacramental, 1140‑44 of Confirmation, 1297‑1301, 1321 elements of holy images, 1159‑62 signs and symbols, 1145‑52 song and music, 1156‑58 words and actions, 1153‑55 of the Eucharist, 1330, 1345‑55, 1363 of funerals, 1684‑90 of Holy Orders, 1572‑74, 1597 liturgical traditions and catholicity of the Church, 1200‑03 of matrimony, 1621‑24, 1631, 1663 ministries and, 1142‑44 modification of the sacramental rite, 1125 Paschal mystery of Christ in, 1067‑68 of Penance, 1480‑84 liturgical season, 1163‑78 liturgical year, 1168 description of, 1168‑71 explanation of the Paschal mystery, 1171 interpretation of the seasons in liturgical order, 1095 memorial of the saints, 1173 memorial of the Virgin Mary, 1172, 1370 Paschal mystery as foundation for interpreting the liturgical year, 1168‑69 prayer and, 2698 season of penance, 1438 Sunday, the foundation and kernel of, 1193 the Lord’s Day, 1166‑67 importance of celebration of the Sunday Eucharist, 2177‑79 other feast days to be observed, 2177 Sunday, 1166‑67 Liturgy of the Hours , 1174‑78 effects of, 1437 make‑up of, 1176‑77 origin of the, 1096 participating in, 1175 places for celebrating, 2691 prayers of all the People of God, 1173 purposes of, 1174 significance of, 1174, 1178 Living God, 205, 2112, 2575 Lord , 446‑51. See also Christ; God Lordship God’s, 304 of Jesus, 449‑50