Catechism of the Catholic Church

818 Index “kingship” as, 2816 man’s, 2293, 2415 Love. See also Charity Christ’s love charity, the new commandment, 1823 healings, signs of love, 1503 the heart of Christ, measure of His love for us, 478, 2669 the life of Jesus reveals the mystery of the Father’s love, 516, 701 the Passion Christ died out of love for us, 1825 Christ’s sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, 545 love extended to all, 605, 616 prayer, adherence to the will of the love of the Father, 2600 the Church’s love for the poor, 2444, 2448 for those who are separated, 818 See also Church God as revealed love Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the name of love, 221, 257, 850 “God is love,” 214, 221, 231, 733 heaven, communion of love, 1024 men to be judged according to love, 1022 God’s love as the cause for creation, 27, 293, 295 creation as the first witness to, 315 disposes creatures to their final purpose, 321 establishes and preserves the world, 421 as foundation of new life, 735 as fruit of the Holy Spirit, 736, 1832, 2658 God does not forsake His creatures, 2577 His first gift, 733 for Israel, 219‑20 “jealous” for us, 2737 male and female made in the image of, 2331 man partakes in the love of the Trinity, 850 ordains all for the salvation of man, 313 as a source of prayer, 2658 See also God love of God the Christian dies to be with God, 1011 embracing celibacy for the, 1599 faith as believing in God’s love, 278, 1064, 2087, 2614 keeping the commandments and abiding in love, 1824 liturgy, a response of faith and, 1083 loving God as Lord, 2086 prayer, a communion of love in the Holy Spirit, 2615, 2712 prayer draws everything in the love by which we are loved in Christ, 2658 prayer and love, 2709, 2792 prayer without ceasing and fervor coming from love, 2742 praying about the Kingdom and cooperating with God’s saving love, 2633, 2738 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,” 2055, 2063, 2083, 2093 love of neighbor of enemies, 2608, 2844 the family at Nazareth, an example of, 533 as forgiving one’s brother from the depths of the heart, 2843 inseparable from the love of God, 1878 love for the poor is not compatible with love of riches, 2445 “Love one another as I have loved you,” 459, 1337, 1823 “Love thy neighbor,” 1844, 2055, 2196 loving as Christ loved the poor and his enemies, 1825, 2443 loving God and neighbor as a summary of the Decalogue, 1822, 2055, 2067, 2069 as praying to the common Father for all men, 2793 who has turned toward error regarding the faith, 2104