Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 819 man’s love conjugal love as the image of God’s love, 1604 indissoluble and faithful by its very nature, 1646 in the institution of marriage, 1603 ordered to procreation and unity, 1652, 2363, 2366, 2369 of country, 2239 of family, a natural society of love, 2207 of the good, 1765‑66 order animated by love to the common good, 1912 of truth, 2105, 2185, 2466, 2518 See also Man preferential love, 2729, 2732 Lust as a capital sin, 1866 cause of concupiscence, 1607, 2259 concupiscence and the goods of others, 2534, 2536 mastery over covetousness, 377, 2552 meaning of, 2351 reasons for overcoming lust, 2541 See also Concupiscence; Desire Lying condemnation of, 2485 definition and significance of, 2482 devil as the father of the lie, 392, 2482 gravity of a lie, 2484, 2486 as an offense against the truth, 2483 tempter’s lie as the beginning of sin, 215 ways to discern the truth and the lie, 1954, 2847 Magic , 2115‑17 Magisterium authority and continuous succession of, 77, 88 of the Church and its pastors, 85‑87, 888‑92 connection between sacred Tradition, Sacred Scripture, and, 95 infallibility of, 2035 mission and office of, 890 moral life and, 2032, 2036 ordinary and universal Magisterium of the Supreme Pontiff and the bishops, 2034 of the pastors of the Church, 2033 Man as the author, center, and goal of economic and social life, 2459 dependent on the Creator, 396 in the earthly paradise, 374‑79 happy only in God, 1057 a man and a woman, 369, 371‑72, 383, 400, 1605‑06 as a moral subject, 1749 mystery of man becomes clear in the mystery of the Word, 359 “new man,” 1473, 2475 not abandoned by God after the fall, 410 sin as an offense against human nature, 1849 ultimate end of, 260, 356, 1024 consequences from the sin of man, 399‑400 all are implicated in Adam’s sin, 402‑03 commonality of destiny of the material world and of man, 1046 condition of weakness and insignificance, 208, 396, 1500, 2448 death entered the world, 1008 destroyed harmony of creation, 400 human nature wounded, 405 invasion of sin into the world, 401 man deprived of God’s likeness, 705 man injured by the work of Satan, 395 man subject to error and inclined to evil, 1714 original sin and man’s abuse of freedom, 396‑401 presence of sin already at our birth, 403 rupture of the original communion, 1607 struggle between the spirit and the flesh, 2516 dignity communion with God as the reason for man’s, 27, 357, 1700