Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 825 Model of life for the faithful Abraham, 144, 1819 bishops, 893 Christ, 459, 520, 896, 1618, 2348, 2620, 2740 God, 813, 2172 saints, 828 Virgin Mary, 273, 967, 2030 Modesty of the body, 2523 definition of, 2521‑22 purity requires, 2521, 2533 as a sign of human dignity, 2524 Money “He who loves money never has enough money,” 2536 idolatry and the divinizing of, 2113, 2172, 2424 prohibition of loans at interest, 2449 simony, 2121 Moral. See Law: moral Moral permissiveness , 2526 Moral rule(s) Christ as the moral rule of conduct, 2074 “Golden Rule,” 1789, 1970, 2510 moral law as the rule of our activity, 1951 natural law as a rule, 1957, 1959 Sacred Scriptures as the source of all, 75, 141 See also Law; Norm Morality the Church and, 2420 circumstances, intention, and morality of actions, 1756 judging the morality of human acts, 1756, 1768 love for oneself as a fundamental principle of, 2264 moral conscience and dignity of the person, 1780, 1794 must be respected and safeguarded, 2210, 2294, 2498 of passions, 1762‑70 sources of, 1750‑54 Mortification , 2015 Murder (intentional killing) forgiveness for the sin of, 1447 only God is the Lord of life, 2258 as a grave sin, 1447 haters as murderers, 1033 intentional euthanasia as, 2324 intentional killing as a legitimate defense, 2263‑65 origin of, 2517 seriousness and condemnation of intentional, 1756, 2261, 2268 sin that cries to heaven, 1867 unintentional killing, 2263, 2269 Muslims , 841 Myron . See Chrism Mystagogy , 1075 Mystery of Christ, 280, 512‑60, 639, 654, 1067 of the Church, 770‑76 of the Church’s unity, 813‑16 of creation, 287, 295‑301 of the existence of evil, 309, 385, 395 of faith, 2558 of God, 42, 206, 234, 1028, 2779 of man, 359 of man’s salvation, 122 Mystical life, 2014 See also the Church: the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ Mythology/myth , 285, 498 Name Christian name at Baptism, 2156‑59, 2165 God’s ( see God) Jesus’, 432 Nation(s) common good and organization of, 1911 common good of the nation as a goal, 2237, 2310 divine economy toward, 56‑57 divine salvation embraces all, 64, 543