Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 827 New life in the Spirit , 1698, 1708, 1715 living according to the Spirit, 1533, 2848 See also Spiritual life; Spirituality(ies) Newness of Christian death, 1010 of God’s kingdom, 2832 of prayer, 2599, 2614‑15 New Testament books of, 120 Gospels as the heart of, 125‑27 object of, 124, 684 origin of, 83, 105 unity of the Old and, 128‑30 See also Sacred Scripture Noah God’s covenant with Noah, 56, 58, 71 ark of, 845, 1094, 1219 Norm(s) Christ as norm of the new Law, 459 conforming to moral, 1794 of family life, 2223 God as norm of all truth, 2151 moral norm constituted by God, 396 moral norms remain always valid, 1789, 1958 origin of norms of behavior, 1950, 1955, 1959 prudence as right reason in action, 1806 the Sermon on the Mount as the summary of moral, 1966 See also Law: moral law; Moral rule Notoriety or “newspaper fame,” 1723 Nourishment Eucharist as, 141, 728, 1020, 1244, 1335, 1392, 1394, 1426, 1436, 2861 material, 2288, 2417, 2447, 2805, 2830, 2861 Sacred Scripture as, 104, 131‑32, 141, 2861 Oath‑taking according to the Church’s tradition, 2154 false, 2150‑51 Jesus’ words: “Do not swear at all,” 2153 perjury, 2152, 2476 refusal to take an oath for trivial matters, 2155 Obedience of the baptized to their calling, 1269 Christ’s, 411, 475, 532, 539, 612, 615, 908, 1009 to conscience, 1790 to constituted laws, 2240 duty of, 1900 as an evangelical counsel, 915, 2053 of faith, 143, 144‑49, 1831, 2087, 2098, 2135, 2340, 2716, 2825 as filial respect, 2216‑17, 2251 and freedom, 1733 of priests, 1567 and sin, 1850, 1862, 2515 of the Virgin Mary, 148, 494, 511 Obligation arising from the commandments, 2072 of bringing remedies to institutions and living conditions, 1888 to confess one’s sins, 1457 of consecrated persons, 931 to defend one’s nation, 2310 discharge from obligations linked to ordination, 1583 of justice, 2412, 2439, 2446 of lay people participating in the apostolate, 900 of obedience of faith, 2086‑87 to observe the evangelical counsels, 915 to preserve the unity and indissolubility of marriage, 2364 to provide for the material needs of the Church, 2043 respect for the created world and obligation to future generations, 2456 to respond to divine charity, 2093 to sanctify Sundays and holy days, 2187 of seeking the truth and adhering to it, 2467, 2497 to take part in the liturgy on Sundays and holy days, 1389, 2180‑83 See also Duty(ies) Offering of the Church, 1368, 1553