Catechism of the Catholic Church

Index 829 “Thy kingdom come,” 2816‑21, 2859 “Thy will be done,” 2822‑27, 2860 “Give us this day our daily bread,” 2828‑37, 2861 “Forgive us our trespasses,” 2838‑45, 2862 “Lead us not into temptation,” 2846‑49, 2863 “But deliver us from evil,” 2850‑54, 2864 Pagans , 522, 528, 781 Pain acceptance of, 1435, 1460 accompanying conversion of the heart, 1431, 1490 alleviating the sufferings of the dying, 2279 in childbearing, 1607, 1609 as a consequence of original sin, 1521 euthanasia as imposing an end to, 2277 human experience of, 164, 272, 385 no sickness in the earthly paradise, 376 See Illness Parable(s) significance and purposes of, 546, 2607 various parables of the Good Samaritan, 1465 of the good shepherd, 1465 of the importunate friend, 2613 of the importunate widow, 2613 of the just judge, 1465 of the leaven, 2660, 2832 of the Last Judgment, 1038 of the lost sheep, 605 of the merciful servant, 2843 of the Pharisee and the tax collector, 2613, 2839 of the poor man Lazarus, 633, 1021, 2463, 2831 of the prodigal son, 1439, 1465 of the seed, 543 of the sower, 2707 of the talents, 1880, 1937 of the two ways, 1696 of the weeds, 681, 827 Paraclete. See Holy Spirit Paradise first man in paradise, 374‑79, 1023 in God’s plan, 1721 restoration of man to, 736 significance of, 1027 See also Heaven Parents adultery and the duties of, 2381 child is not something owed to parents but must be considered a gift to, 2378 children as a sign of divine blessing, 1652, 2373 commandment of love for one’s, 2197, 2199, 2200 cooperation and dialogue between parents and children, 2230 duties of children toward their, 2214‑20 education of children in the faith, 1656, 2206, 2222, 2225‑26 family as a natural environment for the education of children, 2224 fatherhood of God and human fatherhood, 239, 2214 “Honor thy father and thy mother,” 2196 Jesus subject to His, 531, 583 reprehensible techniques of artificial insemination, 2376 respect for the vocation of children, 2232‑33 responsibility of parents in the education of their children, 1653, 2221, 2223 right of parents to choose a school for their children, 2229 rights and duties of, 1250, 2221‑31 sanctification of, 902 See also Children; Family Parish , 2179, 2226 Parousia , 1001 . See also Fullness Participation in Christ’s prayer, 1073 in Christ’s sacrifice, 618, 1372 in the death and resurrection of Christ, 1002, 1006 in divine life, 375, 505, 541, 654, 759, 1212, 1726, 1997 in the Eucharist, 1000, 1388, 2182 of the faithful in liturgical celebrations, 1141, 1273