Catechism of the Catholic Church

830 Index Jesus’ participation in God’s power and authority, 668 of the laity in Christ’s priestly office, 901‑03, 1546, 1591 in Christ’s prophetic office, 904‑07 in Christ’s royal office, 908‑13 ministerial participation in Christ’s priesthood, 1554 Participation in social life , 1882, 1897‑1917 Pasch. See Passover Paschal banquet , 1323 Passion of Christ. See Christ Passion(s) consummation of human feelings, 1769 definition, operation, and origin of, 1763‑64 diminishes imputability, 1860 enslavement to one’s, 1792 love as a fundamental, 1765 mastery of, 908, 1804, 1809, 2339, 2341 morality of the, 1762‑70 prohibition of immoderate, 2536 reason discerns the morality of, 1768 in themselves passions must be judged as neither good nor evil, 1767 Passover (Pasch) celebration of the Passover for Christians and for Jews, 1096 the Christian’s last, 1680‑83 consequences from Christ’s, 1225, 1449 consummation of the, 1096, 1164 day for the celebration of Easter, 1170 Eucharist as the memorial of Christ’s, 1340, 1362‑66 events of Easter, 640 final Passover of the Church, 677 fulfillment of Christ’s, 731 fulfillment in the kingdom of God, 1403 names for Easter, 1169 significance of the Jewish, 1363 union of the Christian faithful in Christ’s, 793 Pastoral care of the parish, 2179 common pastoral practice for mixed marriages, 1636 discernment is needed to sustain and support popular piety, 1676 duty of the Magisterium, 890 office and concern of the bishops, 886, 896, 927, 1560 purposes of pastoral mission, 857 Word of God nourishes pastoral preaching, 132 Patience bearing wrongs patiently as a work of spiritual mercy, 2447 “Charity is patient,” 1825 in the family, 2219 as a fruit of the Spirit, 736, 1832 God’s, 2822 prayer and patience of faith, 2613 Patriarchs of the Jewish people, 839 as the roots of the Church, 755 veneration of patriarchs in the Old Testament, 61 Peace , 2304 aids to, 1941, 2015, 2310 defense of, 2302‑2317 earthly peace as the image of Christ, 2305 education of the conscience and, 1784 as the foundation of the common good, 1909 as the fruit of charity, 1829 as the fruit of the Spirit, 736, 1832 as a gift from God, 1424, 1468 the Lord calls us to, 2302 peacemakers, 1716, 2442 things that threaten, 1938, 2315, 2317 Penance forms of penance in the Christian life, 1434‑39 interior, 1430‑33 purposes of, 2043 works of penance for the dead, 1032 Penance and Reconciliation age for confessing sins, 1457 Anointing of the Sick and the forgiveness of sins, 1532 and Baptism, 1425‑26